My #botm came and I'm super excited. I got American Fire for this month and snagged the Dennis Lehane book they offered previously. I can't believe, $10 for a hardcover is amazing.
I can relate to this boy and that's why so far, I'm enjoying this book way more than the previous. I fell off and took a pause and now I'm back on the train. #amreading
Proof that @nosferatoos is a true book fiend, upon receiving this photo of my cat they promptly asked "What book is that?" Sam likes House of Leaves. I guess I like Sam.
I bought this and Down River at the same time. And so I figured, I'll give this a try and see if Hart's an author I can actually enjoy. I don't usually judge a writer by their one novel. #amreading
Like I said, it takes a lot for me to give up on a book. I'm glad I didn't, because it did end up getting slightly better. This isn't a book I would recommend, but also not something I'd smack out of your hand. The characters were unrealistic and the pacing was a bit slow; the real sin being how predictable it was. But Hart's prose is good enough to salvage the read and I'll give his other works a try before I write him off.
I'm 40 pages into this and unfortunately not too impressed. Hoping the characters get a little more realistic and the pace picks up soon. It takes a lot for me to quit on a book. #amreading