Love love love this series!! When the story finally ends I know I will cry as I say goodbye to some of my favorite characters.
Love love love this series!! When the story finally ends I know I will cry as I say goodbye to some of my favorite characters.
Book 2 just as awesome as book 1 :)
I read this book a few months ago, but I remember the family complaining when was dinner getting started, and I ignored them and kept reading. This series is that good!! oh, BTW, daddy n kiddos had pizza delivered that night! Lol.
Anyone who knows me, knows I am a huge Sherlock Holmes fan!!!
So when I first saw the cover of 'Jackaby', I was hooked.
The synopsis is what sealed the deal, and I have patiently waited over the years(since 2014) for the series to be completed.
The wait has been well worth it!
LOVE LOVE LOVE 'Jackaby'!!
THANK YOU to my handsome James who bought this book for me as a Christmas present. I am loving the books son!
Read in about 4 hours..it is that good!! Could definitely see this making my top 10 favorites at years end!
THANK YOU to my son James who bought this for me at Christmas!!
Son, I am off to read the next book you bought me :)
I read this book so quickly..it is that awesome!!
The ending left me speechless...for a few seconds, until I jumped up from the couch and yelled,
'Oh heck no!'
The story was even better with no sex scenes and no profanity.
Ms. Cleveland there better be a SEQUEL!! Pleaseeeeeee :)
HIGHLY recommend to those that like to be kept on the edge of their seats!
LOVED this story! The messages on pgs 54, 65, 121, 143 n 309, have not only helped me but I am able to help others as well. Ms. Good did an awesome job sharing Lora's adventures at Roaring Creek Mission. I felt like I was there standing near the creek, hearing the roaring water rush past me, feeling it's lovely mist kissing my skin. Up the dirt trail I could c n hear children laughing n running to the schoolhouse, eager to hear God's word.
I finally got to read a Ruth Ware story! Yay! I LOVED this whodunit novel so much that I read it in 2 days. At first I didn't like the main character, Nora, but after you find out what she went through at the age of 16, you can understand why she is the way she is.
I am a lover of history and this book didn't disappoint. So beautifully written I felt like the words were singing poetry to me! When I saw Fritha standing on her tiptoes, raising her hands toward the sky, I cried. Loved the illustrations!
I've read a number of books about WWII, but NOTHING like this!
What Kasia and Zuzanna and all the other women that were at Ravensbruck went through,
has made me cry quite a bit.
The experiments done on the Rabbits while in the concentration camps, made me sad, ill and mad.
What Dr. Herta Oberheuser did to these innocent women, is beyond dark. Oberheuser
is the definition of delusional.
I highly recommend this historical. Get tissues ready.