The world is filled with idiots and assholes and monsters. Where are the guardian angels? Where are the decent people? Where are the people with sense? Where have they all disappeared to?
The world is filled with idiots and assholes and monsters. Where are the guardian angels? Where are the decent people? Where are the people with sense? Where have they all disappeared to?
As much hurt and hell as the Wolfman has caused, I don‘t want to be his judge and jury, his jailer and tormentor. I don‘t want to be that person. I want to be good. I don‘t want to fall into a big, black pit of darkness, because what if I can‘t get out?
“Hello, Moon.” I mouth the words, wanting to talk to someone, but not wanting to make a sound. It‘s nice to talk to the moon. Our relationship isn‘t complicated. “Thank you for being there for me.” The moon doesn‘t reply. “It‘s nice of you. You‘ve been a good friend when I needed one most.” The moon and me will never be the same if we make it out of this.
It‘d be so easy, so pleasant, just to let go and fall into that darkness. To let it have me. It feels right there, so close, so delicious. All I need to do is let go, give up, and there‘d be peace. Peace and no more pain.
...I was just dreaming. Running in a white dress through a field of wildflowers, no less. It was like a commercial for laundry detergent or tampons or a prescription medication that has death listed as a possible side effect.
When 17-year-old Ruth Carver is kidnapped by a former ranch hand she uses the singlemindedness she employed as a champion horse rider to escape. They don't call her Ruthless for nothing. This YA book was so good. I flew through it because I couldn't put it down
Read in about 4 hours..it is that good!! Could definitely see this making my top 10 favorites at years end!
THANK YOU to my son James who bought this for me at Christmas!!
Son, I am off to read the next book you bought me :)
This book was actually pretty intense for a YA read. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Read it in one sitting. Really great if you like a good thriller 😱😱😱Trigger warnings- sexual assault and graphic violence.
3.5 ⭐️
I hated the MC for the most part, but I have to admit that she was a badass. I enjoyed the way Adams offered insight into the psyche of the killer, even if it was uncomfortable at times. TW for rape, child abduction, and murder.
Full review at http://howlinglibraries.com
This book was fast paced and at times terrifying. I did find some of it a bit far fetched though which is why I'm only giving this a "so-so" rating.