Just purchased this for my Kindle.
The latest ebook to complete as we head into fall. 😎
I just picked this up for my Kindle. Amazon had it for $1.99. Have any of my friends here read books in this series?
Relaxing with a good book and a small journal from my local library in St. Louis. Who loves their #library?
Best investment I make each year. 📚
“The power of the imagination is one of the greatest untapped resources in the human tool kit.“
Ziglar, Zig. Better Than Good (p. 30). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.
Great quote about knowing what you want!
“You must have a goal because it‘s just as difficult to reach a destination you don‘t have, as it is to come back from a place you‘ve never been.”
Have you written down any goals you want to achieve?
“Our ability to influence the world is directly proportional to our knack for managing our own lives,“
The task of breaking a bad habit is like uprooting a powerful oak within us. And the task of building a good habit is like cultivating a delicate flower one day at a time.
You must be open to learning at every moment and accepting that you don‘t know it all, and, most important, humble enough to accept knowledge from wherever it comes.
~Jon Taffer
“Write down your goals, make plans to achieve them, and work on your plans every single day.”
“Take a moment and think about the last two weeks of your life. How much of your time and attention has been focused on things that truly matter to you?“
~Charlie Gilkey
An excellent book that can be read in a short time. Stottlemyre is a former Major League Baseball pitcher and World Series champion. He now consults with many organizations and in this book, outlines his 9-point system of goal setting success. You will find here an easy-to-use rubric for not only outlining your goals but a way of keeping yourself accountable to them.
An excellent book to make you think about the choices you make both daily and long term. Zig's writing may be slightly dated now (with his illustrations obviously) but those are easily managed as you get the gist of what he is writing about. The lessons are timeless. An excellent book to give you “A checkup from the neck up“ :)