Welcoming myself to the world of science. I am so grateful that my tour guide is Richard Dawkins
Welcoming myself to the world of science. I am so grateful that my tour guide is Richard Dawkins
The plot is predictable, i didnt enjoy this book as much as other book by Jean Sasson.
A very satisfying read with many beautiful proses, that left me with gamut of emotions.
The greatest gift to Alexei, other than the life itself, is his grandmother. As a reader, i can feel her love, warmth and comfort. The short stories she told to Alexei live until now, feeding million thoughts and souls, including mine.
"You know that in all tombs there is always a false door? Well, people are like that too. They create a false door to deceive. If they are conscious of weakness, of inefficiency, they make an imposing door of self assertion, of bluster, of overwhelming authority and after a time they get to believe in it themselves. They think, and everybody thinks that they are like that. But behind that door, is bare rock"
This is a perfect light reading i've been longing to have. It makes me think about my own life.
I learn that his ability to risk taking was nurtured at home. He's a high achiever, committed to hard works and still having fun and surrounded by family that loves him.
All +ve values mentioned in the books sounds cliche, every successful bussinessman talk about it. But Richard has his own way to tell stories that makes this book unputdownable.
Happiness is fragile. To have it, you have to work for it, protect it.
"You are someone who is different, but you want to be the same as everyone else. And that, in my view, is a serious illness" - Dr Igor
"In my part of the world, most people are known by their sons. I am one of the few lucky fathers known by his daughter" - Ziauddin Yousafzai
A story of women's struggle in Halimunda, through decades of Dutch and Japan Occupation.
"Don't ever hope to die just to be remembered"
"She asked why I was so black. I asked her why she was so white.
She said she was born that way. Same here, I replied.
I can see that you must have been quite pretty even though you are so very dark, she said.
You would be prettier if London ever got any sun, I replied"
My first pick for #rayadenganbuku. This book is a tribute to those who're inflicted by book lust since childhood and how the first book they read had given them opportunity to wander beyond their ordinary routine....which finally lead to the 2nd book and so forth. Lol.
Simple story with significant message. Author enlightens the meaning of happiness to random ppl through Hector's journey. Perfect for light reading
Truly inspired while reading it. The book encourage me to look around and find little things that can become inspiration that can make my life more interesting. When we were kids, everyone in the classroom has hobby. Becoming working adults change most of us. No more interesting past time. How sad!
My curiosity instantly goes up when I read the title. I grabbed it from the shelf and head straight away to pay. Certainly it's not a book about birds, I thought :) The first few pages are not disappointing at all. It thrilled me to read on.
The author brilliantly make the reader want to know more.
'Those who cannot feel the littleness of great things in themselves are apt to overlook the greatness of little things in others'
Kakuzo Okaruka
The Book of Tea