#CoverLove Day 31: A #Weapon can Wound. Paired with delicious Indonesian cuisine while I was in Bandung a few weeks back. And of course, I had to being Kurniawan with me.
#CoverLove Day 31: A #Weapon can Wound. Paired with delicious Indonesian cuisine while I was in Bandung a few weeks back. And of course, I had to being Kurniawan with me.
Beauty Is A Wound is a book you get, when a writer starts out with an inventive theme, but slowly devolves into sexist, misogynistic garbage, which feels like its from the wet dreams of a horny and misguided teenager.
There is an unhealthy and disturbing fixation on sexual assault, incest and beastiality. But the worst is how the author makes it seem like the women invited their brutalisation with their beauty.
Just NO!!
(Contd in comments)
Novel that follows three generations in Indonesia & parallels its history from pre-war colonial time through WWII and the post-war era. Dewi Ayu is a beautiful prostitute with three gorgeous daughters and a 4th named Beauty who is hideous. the beauties, like Indonesia itself, are coveted, raped and abused. Fascinating mix of history, magical realism, myth and even humor. https://cannonballread.com/2023/07/beauty-is-a-wound-a-novel-elcicco/
Dewi Ayu rose from her grave after being dead for twenty-one years and she brings us the story about her cursed family. Novel combines love, history, myths and magical ... It‘s a very violent and sad, but at the same time also very colourful and beautiful. #ReadingAsia #Indonesia
#InspiredNewYear Day 11: I am excited to #Discover even more titles as we explore #SurvivalStories2021 and we “decolonize our bookshelves” this year. Here are some titles I managed to find from my bookshelves that are now going to my #TBRStack for the year.
#WordsOfOctober Day 21: During my book hunting expedition in Bali last year, I also bought a set of #aromatic incense sticks to welcome positivity. My book hunting expedition post which seems like a lifetime ago now here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-kp0
I did like this book and really got into it, but after a short while I need to struggle to remember anything apart from an opening scene and a few other moments. Atmosphere and setting are great, characters are enigmatic, and there is an interesting bit of Indonesian culture. But it's overwhelming with all the happenings, and to the end turns into a blur 🙄 #Booked2020 #PanAsianAuthor @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
Well, well...this book has been shelved by some next to Midnight's Children or One Hundred Years of Solitude. 🤔 I am sorry to say we are far from these masterpieces. Though it is a nicely put sagalike history of post WWII Indonesia, the magic elements are too scarce and thin. All is seen through the eyes of a strong mother (earning her life as a prostitute) and her daughters living through the ups and downs of a small town on the coast of Java.
Book hunting in Bali. Because @GatheringBooks everywhere in the world. Eka Kurniawan it is, because Indonesia. Any other local authors you can recommend? Female Indonesian authors would be even more welcome for our #WomenReadWomen2019.
First book completed of the yesr couple days ago! 4/5 stars. Full review https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2380645454
“One afternoon on a weekend in May, Dewi Ayu rose from her grave after being dead for twenty-one years…”
The opening line of the book was intriguing (and the cover is gorgeous) but after that things just went downhill for me. I struggled with it. Thinking perhaps it‘s the translation issue, I borrowed a copy to read in its original language (cover as shown on the left), but was no help.
#readingresolutions #dnfbooks
This is my dumping ground today. My son has lost his interment, I am doing physical therapy, my daughter is having out bursts with her behavioral issues, I am supposed to be planning her birthday party for Friday, I am trying to move my grandmothers piano into my home, working on two other classes while attempting to finish my masters. Getting ready to start my studies for Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Dump complete. Really enjoying this 📕
My ‘prescribed‘ reading for 2018
These are the titles that I‘m planning to discuss in my book club #KLBAC this year plus one ebook and one self-prescribed title (The Gene. No discussion session planned but I feel I should read this book this year). Looks menacing right? Luckily I‘ve read 2 and finished 2 audiobooks (one of them not shown because I don‘t have the physical copy). Really hope I get to finish them in time. #readersofmalaysia
A few books from Southeast Asia on my TBR. Will probably get to Kurniawan and Eng long before the other two, as I've heard more, and more consistently glowing reviews, about them.
#aprilbookshowers #setinsoutheastasia
Stumbled across this in my library. I'm on a mission to read books from as many languages as possible. First book I've read from the Indonesian. Can't go wring with New Directions. #LiteratureInTranslation
Excited for this one. I don't ever get irritated with New Directions but I have to say: tell me what language is being translated. That's important. It should be on the title page. Even when googling the book, it took digging through at least five hits of reviews and what not before I sleuthed it out in an interview with the author. It is from the Indonesian; Bahasa Indonesia to be precise.
Such a physically beautiful softcover! Can't wait to read it.
"One afternoon on a weekend in March, Dewi Ayu rose from her grave after being dead for twenty-one years."
I haven't read this one yet, and I see it has mixed reviews, but that opening line really pulls you in.
#booktober #greatfirstlines #firstlines
I had very high hopes for this novel but I was sadly let down. I thought I was going to learn more about Indonesia than I did. I felt the female characters were too secondary to the male ones. The descriptions and incessant passages on rape grated quickly on my nerves. The author had evidently bitten off more than he could chew in subject matter. #disappointment #beautyisawound #literaryfiction
I'm really struggling to finish this. Not because of the raw scenes of violence and rape but because I am just not invested in any of the characters. I really don't care about any of them! I also feel like the story moves from subplot to subplot in a really clunky but fast-paced way. Every few pages I feel like I'm in a new story without finishing or even really engaging in the previous one. The writing does not draw me in...
Multigenerational family saga told with magical realism and the backdrop of Indonesia covering the Dutch occupation ending with WWII and the beginning of independent rule. This novel has huge scope and beautiful writing! Recommend for fans of House of Spirits or 100 years of Solitude. But trigger warning for lots of rape and heartbreak.
A story of women's struggle in Halimunda, through decades of Dutch and Japan Occupation.
"Don't ever hope to die just to be remembered"
Checking out different book covers at Books Kinokuniya in Singapore. Singapore uses British English so a lot of the books sold there are the British or Australian versions (if I'm not wrong)
Ambitious, sprawling, hilarious, pragmatic & utterly readable. A story w/ magic realism & historical fiction blended wonderfully. A tad too many rape scenes for some readers & way too many descriptions about women's looks driving men mad. Great intro (for me personally) to Indonesian history 🌟8/10
Sunny Sundays demand cold drinks and even cooler books - I've heard nothing but rave reviews for this book. Sprawling through generations, healthy dose of folklore and a gripping first sentence = sign me up!
'One afternoon on a weekend in March, Dewi Ayu rose from her grave after being dead twenty-one years. A shepherd boy, awakened from his nap under a frangipani tree, peed his pants and screamed, and his four sheep ran off haphazardly... '
I'm on a roll with books with intriguing opening lines ☺️
Praying to the Reading Gods that I finally find a winner🙏🏻 So far, this one has real potential! The title alone won me over💜
To prove what she said Ma Iyang, with her naked body covered in drops of sweat that reflected the rays of the sun like beads of pearl, jumped and flew toward the valley, disappearing behind a descending fog 💗💗💗
It was believed that those unfortunate souls would be disturbed by ongoing tests and trials in the grave, and so it was wise to distance them from the graves of pious people who wanted to rest in peace, be invaded by wines and rot in peace, and make love to heavenly nymphs without any commotion.
"One afternoon on a weekend in March, Dewi Ayu rose from her grave after being dead for twenty-one years."
Sold to me as translation with magical realism, multigenerational family saga against the backdrop of Indonesian history. TW for rape and incest so I'm excited but also very nervous
When you're early for Beyoncé ❤️