Picked this book because the art on the cover! Have no idea what it's about or what I'm getting into lol.
Picked this book because the art on the cover! Have no idea what it's about or what I'm getting into lol.
My TBR is piling up on my shelves!
Honestly, I almost gave up on this book...there in the beginning. The writing was unusual and I had to search for info on Google several times. Lol. However, as I read more and more I ended up loving this book! It's a good read with some grit to it. I would recommend for those who have patience as it takes a bit for the story to unfold and what a story it was! I'm sure if I read the authors other books I'll be accustomed to her writing.
So halfway through this book and I'm enjoying it! I don't usually take this long to read a book🙈. Loving Bridie and Ruby Doyle so much already! I'm still curious to know what the heck Christabel is!!! Also, anatomists/doctors during the 1800's... WOW! I can only imagine the experimentation they applied. Almost reminds me of Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde .
**Pic posted of what I think Christabel is**
Some great coffee by Bones Coffee Company and a book. I've heard not so great reviews so far but I'm hoping I'll still enjoy it... #book4of2020
This was a beautiful heart warming and somewhat wrenching story about a African American family and the choices they made. Told in multiple POVs. I was hooked from the start. The author went where the heart is and delivered a great story that will stick with me for a long time.
Highly immersive and beautifully written. Loved the rythym of the story as well. Highly recommend!
Issues regarding racism, teen pregnancy, LGBTQ
January's BOTM #bookhaul#darkmatter#thegreatpretender#thingsinjars#woveninmoonlight#tenthiusanddoorsofjanuary
On to this one next! No clue what it's about🙈 #book3of2020
Finally! Finished this one! Not because it's boring or lacks depth but life, in general gets in the way. Loved this book about finding oneself. Add in a little family drama and a little adventure.
So... With all the craziness in our life that's been happening, I finally was able to read for an hour at least which is a goal in it's own for me.
On another note. I'm loving this book so far. However, I swear I should've taken marine bio in High school cuz I had no clue what sea creatures they spoke about in the book 😂. It's only cuz of Disney movie Moana I knew about some of the things they spoke about lol.
Just getting into this book and I already feel it's gonna be good!