Nope. I read halfway and then skimmed the rest. I just wasn't a fan, it was mildly engaging at first but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe more tailored to a younger young adult?
Nope. I read halfway and then skimmed the rest. I just wasn't a fan, it was mildly engaging at first but I just couldn't get into it. Maybe more tailored to a younger young adult?
This was so well written and I loved every page. I can't believe this book hasn't gotten more hype! I will be recommending it to my students for sure!!
When you're supposed to watch a movie with your husband, but he falls asleep while you put the kids to bed... you start a new book instead!
Reading this on the recommendation of @LittleMouse5708 and loving it so far!
This was beautiful and funny, which is a hard combo to stick the landing on. It tackled mental health and families so believably. My favorite character was actually the side character Orion. He's exactly the type of boy I hope my son grows up to be. Or maybe Uncle Toby, who I loved and related to way too much as a 30-something surrounded by teenagers daily.
Violet is sent off to stay with her uncle over the summer while her parents focus on Sam, her brother, after his suicide attempt. This book is about family, history and looking forward instead of back, and particularly Violet learns she might have been looking for love in all the wrong places (she really, really was) prior to this as she gets close to amateur local historian Liv.
Sibling bond for the win! Great friendships and family connections made, with a bit of sea lore and family history thrown in for good measure. Great audio narration. 🎧
A moving story of family & friendship. Violet & Sam are both lost in their own ways - after Sam‘s suicide attempt, he goes into treatment and Violet is sent to Maine to spend the summer with their uncle. I really liked that while their family had its issues it was clear they all loved each other. Plus the relationships between Violet the friends she makes in Maine were super cute. LGBTQ representation and a hopeful ending. Recommended!
My kindle doesn‘t really do it justice but this cover is a stunner.
I‘m about 40% into this book and loving it so far. The characters are intriguing and I‘m excited to see where the story goes. ✨
#septemberreads #yalit #contemporaryfiction
Not going to lie: the cover sold it to me. But I am so thankful that it did. It is indeed a profound page-turner. Family relationships, growing up, discovering one‘s sexuality, overcoming trauma (trigger warning), learning from adversity, and did I mention treasure and the aquarium?! 😱This book has it all! Read to be inspired, read to find joy, & read to discover. #recommendsday #recentlyread #recovery #family ❤️📚⛵️
I‘ve had this lingering on my TBR for way too long. Time to dive in!
#spinepoem #MagicalMay
The Last True Poets of the Sea
Woven in Moonlight
Songs from the Deep
The Last Ballad
Almost There
The Astonishing Color of After
I have so many books to read and yet I gave in to an impulse library hold... again 😆
This book was pretty much perfect. Contemporary YA that deals with some serious issues while still managing to be lyrical and lovely and to somehow give me a bit of nostalgia. A brilliantly written debut and an audiobook with excellent narration.
I was looking on Audible for the tagged book and this sweet Valentine‘s deal popped up. I don‘t read a whole lot of love stories or romance, but what the heck, I will try it.
Fair warning that I may be posting way more goofy stuff, heart eyes, and eye-rolling emojis over the next 2 months than usual. 🤣
It's snowing again! 😁☃️❄ I love it! However it's also supposed to go down to 5° tonight! Brrrr! Luckily I'm not working until this afternoon so I have the morning to drink tea, read, and enjoy the peaceful quiet that the snow brings! 💕📚☕
You know that feeling when you start a new book and it gives you chills because it's sooooo good and you just know it's going to become a favorite of yours and you're going to love it forever? Yup. I'm only about 50 pages into this so far and I'm already deeply in love. The writing, the characters, it's all perfect so far. Forgive me if I swoon! 😍📚💕
#catsoflitsy #littenkitten #chaplin
Finally! Finished this one! Not because it's boring or lacks depth but life, in general gets in the way. Loved this book about finding oneself. Add in a little family drama and a little adventure.
So... With all the craziness in our life that's been happening, I finally was able to read for an hour at least which is a goal in it's own for me.
On another note. I'm loving this book so far. However, I swear I should've taken marine bio in High school cuz I had no clue what sea creatures they spoke about in the book 😂. It's only cuz of Disney movie Moana I knew about some of the things they spoke about lol.
Just getting into this book and I already feel it's gonna be good!
This was yesterday.
My husband was an absolute sweetie and deemed Saturday an "All About Me" day. We had a leisurely brunch at a favorite place (æbelskivers, goulash, and freshly-squeezed orange juice!), did some Fall decor shopping, and before ending the day with pizza takeout, we stopped at BN to do some belated birthday shopping.
The tagged book, Fountains, and Frankly came home with me ???
#BarnesandNoble #bookhaul
New books! SO many new books, I don‘t know where to start! Suggestions/opinions gladly accepted.
September reading wrap-up! Guys, I actually managed to read a lot of things this month! I finished 9 books, caught up on several stellar ARCs, participated in the #contemporaryathon , and read several books that are going to end up in favorites lists for the year. I honestly really loved everything that I picked up this month; everything was between 3.75 and 4.5 stars; faves were Sapphire Flames, Shame is an Ocean I Swim Across, & the tagged book.
This is a slow paced contemporary where nothing much happens plot wise. That sentence sounds like my own personal hell but the author came with some solid ass writing, strong characters, a bit of family mystery and lots of family drama. The star of this book is the characters. There is some wonderful bisexual and F/F romance + panic attacks + anxiety & eating disorder rep. This isn't a book about a shipwreck/plot. It's all about the characters.
A queer Shakespeare retelling has potential to be my favourite book of the year so 🙏🙏🙏🙏