I was not as impressed by the book as I thought I would be. Maybe, this is because I read this book as an adult and not as a child and hence the plots seem predictable to me.
I was not as impressed by the book as I thought I would be. Maybe, this is because I read this book as an adult and not as a child and hence the plots seem predictable to me.
I recently read this book as it came highly recommended and I must say it didn't disappoint. The dystopian world that the book describes enraptures you and you can't help but draw parallels with today's world.
I really enjoyed reading this memoir. It gave me an insight into the life of Michele Obama not just the former First Lady but also a wife, a mother, an independent successful woman, a mentor....(I could go on)
This book had me hooked and I was very curious about Eleanor's past which made it hard to put down the book.. This book highlights how a past trauma can shape a person's life. I really love Eleanor's character; her no-nonsensical attitude, frank nature and more importantly her hope for a better future which doesn't come across immediately but is the underlying reason for all her actions.
I think every girl who wants to know more about her sexual health needs to read this book. It educates you not only about your genitals but also about sex, contraception, periods, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, the various issues that you can suffer and the STIs. My only complaint is that the authors were a bit hesitant to take a stand and went back and forth when discussing issues like contraception, abortion or vaccination.
I immensely enjoyed reading this book and was hooked to it from the start. This memoir gives you an insight into the daily lives of North Koreans. It makes you realize that the life we take for granted is such a blessing! The struggle that Hyeonseo & her family go through to reach South Korea and start afresh is awe-inspiring! It is a must-read.
Bea, an overweight fashion blogger is the main protagonist of the book and her journey to find love is the primary premise of the book. The biggest takeaway from the book is to not let your insecurities cloud your judgment and become an obstacle in achieving what you deserve. The storyline is predictable. I recommend this book if you like reading light romantic books.
I felt righteous indignation build up within me as I was reading this speech. I felt like saying “Spot on!“. The talk of feminism is accompanied by eye rolls, especially from the male gender, but its imperative for all of us, to not just understand but consciously take actions to mitigate gender bias that we all have at some point in our life been guilty of; be it expecting the man to pay, or expecting the woman to cook. It is a must-read for all!
I loved reading the book; I was invested in the love story and really could not keep the book down without knowing if they end up together. But the other plot of the book is that it is, set in Auschwitz concentration camp and something was lacking in the author's description of the horror and torture the prisoners went through. It was lacklustre and did not invoke the empathy that such a reading should generate.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the paperback of this play by Oscar Wilde. It is a humorous play in which the main characters weave a web of lies to hide their identity for social reasons; which creates confusion and how ultimately fessing up is the solution to all their problems; hence the importance of being earnest!
I took up this book as it was the “fiction read“ for this month, in my book club and I am glad that this book was chosen. The narrative is witty, humorous and you get involved in this world weaved by the author. Since it's historical fiction; the story covers the time from 1922 - 1954 with Hotel Metropol providing the perfect backdrop. Count Rostov has become one of my favorite fictional characters!