Really digging this one so far--sort of a gothic "choose your own adventure" deal.
Really digging this one so far--sort of a gothic "choose your own adventure" deal.
Oh, you know, a little light reading.
My library pouch's front is finished with Stephanie Garber, author of Caraval (which is excellent, read it). 😎
I love that this book is set in San Francisco. Here's the Legion of Honor, where Bex spends her birthday.
Head to foreveryoungadult.com to find out how to win a signed copy-- Jenn herself is giving away a signed copy of the book (and you choose the cover)!
Shitty week comfort re-read for a Scorpio (and tea in an inspirational mug).
Just realized the review on this one is due Monday...oops.
This book is eminently charming, and an absolute boon to my research in San Francisco. You want good gossip? We've got your gossip right here.
I'm 2/3 of the way through this book and am still not sure what's happening, but enjoying the ride anyway. Courtly intrigue! Dark magic! Revolutionary writings! Vienna! Hot con man!
This one landed on my doorstep a few weeks ago, despite not being YA at all (unusual for me, but whichever publicist was in charge of that, you're a smart cookie).
Horrifying 1906 earthquake? No problem. Moving to Oakland? Oh, hell no.
Oh, I loved this one. Basically: all non-subservient ("non-compliant") women get shipped off to Bitch Planet--but they're mad as hell and aren't gonna take it anymore.
I feel like I've been working on this one for weeks--it's good, but dense!
"In a certain light, feminism is just the long, slow realization that the stuff you love hates you."
I didn't think I woukd love this as much as I did, but I should have known that Holly Black would make it wonderful. And oh my god, Gavriel.
This just arrived today, and I can't wait to take it with me to the next few book club meetings! It's really cute, with everyone from Dolly Parton to Marie Curie, and plenty of games, too.
Trying so hard to get my work done, so I can dive into this one (and stay there awhile).
San Francisco was home to one of my favorite historical bad girls: Alma de Brettville Spreckels. In honor of my History of San Francisco midterm being over, I'm picking this one up...and maybe taking it to the beach, because damn, summertime in SF has arrived.
Enjoyable, but some seriously heavy-handed prose. The forensic science and historical research were a ton of fun! Also, I've been wearing this oddly appropriate jewelry combo since before I started the book...did the girl pick the book or did the book pick the girl?