Starting my August Book of the Month pick!
Starting my August Book of the Month pick!
Currently reading~
Currently reading! This is my second David Mitchell.
Not what I was expecting, but still pretty great. A really compelling ride from beginning to end. Weird, fabulist, and speculative. Also, probably the most I've used my literary theory knowledge since I took literary theory my sophomore year in college.
Of course Callie had to sit on my book just now.
This is an amazing collection of short stories! Not a bad one in the bunch. Lots of magical realism and new fairy tales. Highly, highly recommend.
Hella bloody graphic novel about Canada at war with the US. A bit more surfacey than I typically expect from Brian K Vaughn, but perfectly enjoyable.
Currently reading / currently breaking my heart 💔
I tried to give this book a chance, I really did. Gave up around 30%. I just can't believe how little character growth these characters experience. They continue to be boring and insufferable. Read the Wikipedia summary of this and the next book. Glad I didn't waste my time.
I love the color of this book so much. Also it has some killer opening passages. Really excited about it.
Currently reading. My knowledge of Canadian literature is extremely sparse, so it's really fun reading something totally new.
The so-so rating seems too harsh. I really enjoyed the last third, and I think the series could build to be something great. It just took a long time to get there.
I'm kind of disappointed that the story is blowing through their years of school so quickly. I was under the impression that was what the whole novel was about. I want to know more about their magical education.
Snowy day reads
The phrase 'cloud atlas' appears in number9dream, David Mitchell's second novel, a novel he wrote before he wrote Cloud Atlas. What does it mean!?