Amazing! I was blown away! I went into the book with little to no expectation...but i was completely hooked to the book from start to finish... Its fast paced and full of twists! Never saw the ending coming... Loved it...
Amazing! I was blown away! I went into the book with little to no expectation...but i was completely hooked to the book from start to finish... Its fast paced and full of twists! Never saw the ending coming... Loved it...
Enjoyed the book! My expectations were very low since its not from the original Agatha Christie... But i enjoyed it thoroughly.... The twists came pouring in until the last chapter! It was an amazing ride 😍
About to embark on a journey of thrill and suspense....
Amazing! Apart from the annoying character of Hastings, it's an amazing read! And couldn't see the twists and turns coming in the end!
"If for an hour one experiences sensations and emotion of the most terrible, one has lived many hours!"
Understood the meaning in these times which is fraught with death and misery!
Just started with this! So far it's interesting! And im pretty sure its going to continue that way since it's Agatha Chirstie! This is my first Marple mystery though! Few sentences are hard to grasp but it is common when reading her books!
Amazing! Loved it.. I started reading it yesterday and I just couldn't stop it until i have completed it! I loved everything about this book! I have always preferred reading books of mystery/thriller genre
*Contains mild spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk! *
After reading this book I think I'm going to try romance genre too since I just couldn't stop fawning over *spoiler* Brownyn and Nate!
A good book but i would not recommend first hand! You can pick it up if you don't have any other book to read or if it's the last book you have.
An amazing book! I have never read any court room dramas and this was my first book in this noir! I only picked it up since it was by Agatha and I was not disappointed! Highly recommend to read this and also, to watch the 1957 movie with the same name!
Just can't seem to put the book down! Started reading it today afternoon and I was so engrossed in it that I never noticed it was night already! It surely is an anti-gravity book 😆 😆😆😆
Couldn't be more excited to read these off one by one ?! It's undoubtedly one of the best purchases of my life! Sadly it has to wait for "one of us is lying"?