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Destination Unknown
Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
28 posts | 31 read | 1 reading | 9 to read
When a number of leading scientists disappear without a trace, concern grows within the international intelligence community. And the one woman who appears to hold the key to the mystery is dying from injuries sustained in a plane crash. Meanwhile, in a Casablanca hotel room, Hilary Craven prepares to take her own life. But her suicide attempt is about to be interrupted by a man who will offer her an altogether more thrilling way to die. . . .
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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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Spymasters are concerned when the wife of a vanished scientist decides to travel to Morocco to get away from the incessant publicity. Does she have an ulterior motive?

I'm not usually a fan of AC's spy stories, preferring her mysteries, but this was better than most. I had feelings of deja vu for the trip to the secret base with lots of changes of transport and costume to fool any pursuers, but I don't remember having read it before. Low Pick

Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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bthegood Looks like a nice place to read 🙂 1mo
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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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The man behind the desk moved a heavy glass paperweight four inches to the right.


Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 8mo
TheSpineView Fantastic! 8mo
Read4life 🍁👻🎃 8mo
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PuddleJumper 🧡🖤🧡 8mo
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🧡 8mo
Andrew65 Excellent 👏👏👏 8mo
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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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I liked this one (another that hasn‘t been adapted). It was weird but interesting. One of Christie‘s attempts at spy adventures. TW for suicide attempt in the beginning. Involves a lot of travel, lying, & a creepy community. 3/5 stars

Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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About to embark on another Christie's book!

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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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🤯🤯 This one was fun! Lots of twists and turns and tons of different characters. There is even a character list in the front! Very different from AC‘s usual stories, but still has a great couple of twists at the end! I enjoyed it and liked the characters. The political stuff got a little hard to keep track of, but kinda the point: who do u trust? I loved the ending! Great pick for #lmpbc 😊

katy4peas Lots of fun quotes that are still timely and made me snort with laughter or roll my eyes. So many that made me snort because our former so called president acted the same way. But that‘s all I‘ll say about that. 🤣😉 3y
katy4peas @DGRachel where do you get your envelopes? And what size? They survive the mail really well! 3y
DGRachel @katy4peas Was it the purple bubble mailer? I bought a pack of 10 on Amazon last year. They are ProLine metallic purple bubble mailers 6.5 x 10 inch, self seal. Currently $7 for the 10 pack. It comes in other pack counts, too. 3y
katy4peas @DGRachel yes! Oh, thanks!! 📬 3y
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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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One must have common sense. Nothing is permanent, nothing ensures. I have come to the conclusion that this place is run by a madman. A madman, let me tell you, can be very logical. If you are rich and logical and also mad, you can succeed for a very long time in living out your illusion. But in the end- this will break up. Because it is not reasonable, what happens here! That which is not reasonable must always pay the reckoning in the end.

Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie

This one has some fun plot twists in it. All I can think of right now is Hotel California. 🎶🎵

Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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I‘m going to round up to a pick for this one. It‘s very different from Christie‘s other work, but still fun. It‘s equal parts entertaining and ridiculous. I won‘t say more here because it is a #LMPBC selection, but I‘ll put my one quibble in the comments under a spoiler as it‘s the element that almost pushes it into a so-so for me.

DGRachel The last three pages have one of those classic, cheesy, romance endings you get in Golden Age Hollywood films. The misunderstanding, the confession of love that can‘t possibly be returned, but OH! It is. I swear, I could see Andrew/Boris clutch Hilary to his chest and passionately kiss her as I rolled my eyes. 🤣 3y
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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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Since subcontractors are starting to get nasty with me after a peaceful morning, I‘m taking a “lunch” break on my deck with my LMPBC book and enjoying the last of the mild weather we‘ll see for a while. (And yes, Bailey‘s wandering the yard below the deck) 💖

Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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This book was more espionage than murder and had some quality spy hijinks happening with missing scientists, plastic surgery, and a Communist compound in the desert.

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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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Finished another book today! I‘m on a roll here! This my #DoubleSpin book for June and my #ReadYourSign book for #2 - published in 1954, and #12 Virgo author, Agatha Christie. This book was fun to listen to. I really felt as though I was back in time. The audiobook was well done. The characters were distinguished from one another and the acting was good, I thought. Agatha Christie can weave a tale, can‘t she?

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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Loving all the #StaycationInTime posts @Chrissyreadit

Saw this post from @jenniferw88 and had to join in

1. Definitely sweet
2. Liquorice
3. Tea
4. Tea Bags
5. Assam, Mocha Chai, Chai Tea, Peppermint, lemon (not green tea though 🤢)

#TeaSolvesEverything #Cuppa #Tea #WhenInDoubtPutTheKettleOn #Reading #Travel #UnknownDestination #TimeTravel #books #BookNerd #ReadABook #Bookaholic

Chrissyreadit Hmmm. I love loose tea. I love tea rooms- and I find their are always new teas to try. 5y
JaneyWaneyB @Chrissyreadit agree with you loose tea at a tea shop but bags at home because it's easier to clear up 😆 5y
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So many steps to death | Agatha Christie
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-"You think that human nature is the same everywhere?" Hilary asked.
-"In every country. In the past as in the present there are always the two things that rule. Cruelty and benevolence! One or the other. Sometimes both."

MaggieCarr I've never seen another Sak. How do you care for yours? Mine is lighting in color and dry. At one point, I actually rubbed lotion into it. 5y
BekaReid @MaggieCarr I've had this bag for over 2 years now and use it all the time. It's held up extremely well and while it has lightened just a bit, it is still soft. Have you tried a leather conditioner? I have not needed one, but I've read they can be effective. 5y
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So many steps to death | Agatha Christie
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This looks like a good choice to read on my flight this morning...🤔

So many steps to death | Agatha Christie
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Took advantage of the beautiful day and spent part of the afternoon exploring a couple of bookstores. I think I may have found an Agatha Christie books that I haven't read yet! 🤗 And this edition of Neil Gaiman's Stardust is so beautiful!!

readingjedi Yes it is 😍 5y
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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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“I would rather have a world of kindly, faulty human beings, than a world of superior robots who've said goodbye to pity and understanding and sympathy.”

Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie

Read this oldie for my Christie book club‘s May pick. It was classic Christie but felt very dated for a spy novel. The villain was hardly scary and the intrigue predictable and somewhat child-like. I really am a Christie fan! But her plots have never impressed me much. Without interesting characters this book left me wanting to be done with it quickly. The audiobook narration was superb though. So give it a listen for a quick and easy read.

Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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One day I hope to read all of Agatha Christie‘s books... I still have dozens to go!

#agathachristie #mystery #poirot #paperback

HannaPolkadots I've only read one so far...😳 but that one was great so am looking forward to reading more 😉 7y
bobregina 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️🖤 7y
Ashley85 I have yet to read one 🙊 7y
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catiewithac It took me a leisurely 5 years but I read all of her mystery books and story collections. I‘m still trying to find a new purpose in life after that mega read goal! 🤓 7y
Dragon Dame Agatha 💕 7y
jmtrivera That's been a goal of mine for years! I have had a hard time finding the next one on my list at the library though, so it's been on hold. Ill get there though! 7y
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So many steps to death | Agatha Christie
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3 Christie‘s with unbroken spines at a church rummage sale for $1? Yes,please!

batsy Oh yes! 7y
Libby1 Woo HOO! 7y
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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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#itsallamystery with the grand Dame of the genre.

#sizzlinsummerreads @tiffy_reads

PS: did you know that the modern versions of Clue have NO LIBRARY?!?!?!?! Why would you go to a dinner party at a creepy old mansion if there wasn't the promise of an awesome old library?

PPS: If you haven't seen the amazingness that is the movie Clue, drop everything and watch it NOW.

charissharpe That's just bizarre! 7y
VioletBramble What room took the place of the library? 7y
OrangeMooseReads The new clue is all kinds of wrong lol ... the movie 'Clue' is fantastic and hilarious 7y
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myers85 Love this picture! 7y
TheKidUpstairs @VioletBramble they've changed out a bunch of the rooms! There's a spa, a theatre, a guest house. It's weird... 7y
underthebelljar What's the point of a mansion if there's no library? 😜 7y
elkeOriginal I do not understand the words you are saying. Clue with no library? Is this the Upside Down?! 7y
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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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Next up! I didn't plan to start another book in the middle of the night, and yet here I am. Again.

Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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I plan to #marchintoreading with no plan at all. I'm just going to see which way the wind (and my reading mood) takes me. @RealLifeReading

ReadingSusan Me too! 7y
Reviewsbylola This is pretty much me. 7y
ReadingEnvy I read by whimsy too. 7y
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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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Agatha Christie books published by Fontana often have covers that make no sense. This one is no exception. #readjanuary

LeahBergen What the?! 7y
rabbitprincess The best is the skeleton casually photobombing the toad's Very Serious Professional Portrait. 7y
Joybishoptx Ok. I'm completely confused. 7y
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Destination Unknown | Agatha Christie
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