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Pet Peeve
Pet Peeve | Piers Anthony
5 posts | 3 read
"Aimless and heartbroken after the recent passing of his beloved wife, Go Go, Goody Goblin reluctantly agrees to undertake this unenviable mission, armed only with a bag of half-spent spells and guarded by a brawny woman warrior called Hannah Barbarian. Their daunting quest leads them on a wild and wondrous journey from the chaotic Region of Madness to the genderbending No Man's Land, from the wells of memory to the realm of dreams.".
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Pet Peeve | Piers Anthony
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I can‘t stand 1st person narrative most of the time. Mainly because it comes off as immature and a lot of tell and no show. There‘s a reason English teachers get picky about it😂 It just ends up sounding choppy and I can‘t get invested in the story. I‘ve only read a few books where the author pulls it off but mostly I find it annoying and avoid it.
#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz

BookmarkTavern First person is a real hit and miss for me! There‘s so much that can ruin it. Thank you for posting! 1y
CoverToCoverGirl I‘m with you on first person narrative. I find very few authors pull it off successfully. Diana Gabaldon is one of the very few who does it well. 1y
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Pet Peeve | Piers Anthony
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1. People who talk to me while I read.
2. Pie preferably cherry
3.china bear

#friyayintro @jesshowbooks

DebbieGrillo Mmmmm cherry pie. Trader Joe's has the BEST cherry pie filling. 7y
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Pet Peeve | Piers Anthony
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My goat lives here. 😠 Why can't publishers depict real diversity in kid books? In the Scholastic newsletters I have this month, only 1 book that has a group of kids depicted on the cover has any diversity and that book is She Persisted (go figure). Another has white kids with varying hair - stupid. Scholastic has created a diverse books webpage, but those books should simply be in the main fliers. I shouldn't have to hunt them down. Ugh

Tamra Frosts my shorts. Now I have to go round up my goat and lock it up somewhere else today. 7y
No_One Ugh! I agree with this 100%!! 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 I'd like to see kids in all shapes & sizes too! A real view of the world not just cookie cutter kids. 7y
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Pet Peeve | Piers Anthony
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I wind up avoiding a lot of books because they seem like they could be YA and I don't want to take my chances. (No hate for anyone who likes YA, it's just really not my thing.)

KCorter I totally get this. 7y
Notafraidofwords I usually go on goodreads and it gives me an idea. I have to be in the mood to read YA. 7y
saresmoore Agreed. (edited) 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 Same here. 7y
Lindy I haven't talked to readers who like Bildungsroman but not realistic YA novels. Is it the immediacy of YA that you don't like? 7y
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Pet Peeve | Piers Anthony
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#marchintoreading Day 12 I agree with all of the pet peeves that have been posted. Another one of mine is people assuming because I choose to stay home and read a book that I don't have a life. This also ties into people who don't get what's great about reading. I love books and sometimes ( a lot of times) I prefer them to people. 😁

TheLondonBookworm Love this! 😍 8y
RealLifeReading Well said!! 8y
BookishBlonde12 Need this in my life! 💕 8y
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LeslieO Reading is an activity! 8y
Bookzombie @RealLifeReading Thank you! 🙂 8y
Bookzombie @TheLondonBookworm @BookishBlonde12 I don't own this top but it's available if you are interest. 🙂 https://www.lookhuman.com/design/60765-im-a-reader 8y
Bookzombie @LeslieO It is! 🙂 8y
Smangela You know one I haven't seen mentioned that annoys the heck out of me? When someone tells me they don't have time to read. Like somehow my life is just lazing the day away eating chocolates and reading. I choose to read instead of watching TV (or sometimes... sleeping haha). We just choose to spend our free time differently! Ugh haha 8y
Bookzombie @Smangela That is an excellent pet peeve. It annoys me too! 8y
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