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May Bird and the Ever After
May Bird and the Ever After: Book One | Jodi Lynn Anderson
3 posts | 9 read | 3 to read
Quiet, quirky May Bird discovers a ghostly dimension in this otherworldly adventure from New York Times bestselling author Jodi Lynn Anderson. Meet May Bird: a very shy, very precocious young girl who wants nothing more than to live in a world where shes accepted and loved. One day while walking in the woods she finds that worldor falls into it, really. Through a pond, May enters the Ever After, a world of ghosts. Here, towns glow blue beneath zipping stars and the peopleare they really people?walk through walls. Here, the Book of the Dead holds the answers to everything in the universe. And here, if May is discovered, the horrifyingly evil Bo Cleevil will turn her into nothing. May Bird must get out. Fast. As May journeys through fantastic lands, she gathers an unusual group of new friends who join together to overcome Bo Cleevil and find the way back home. [The Ever After was originally published as May Bird and the Ever After and now features an updated cover and title.]
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#May2024 #BookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2024

These are my books for May.

TheSpineView Looks good! 2mo
DieAReader 📚😏Great stack!! 2mo
Andrew65 A good month ahead 😊 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks fabulous!! 2mo
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Within these pages, Jodi Lynn Anderson shares with us the beginning of May Bird's daring journey into the Ever After, a haunting place where true friends -- and one terrible foe -- await her on every corner.
Sounds like a fun first in a middle grade fantasy series.
#itsgonnabeme #amonthofsongs

OriginalCyn620 Sounds like a good read! 📚🎶 5y
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Let‘s celebrate 200 subs with a gook old #tmitag! See the full video here: https://youtu.be/1pEbbyz7Skk 📚💕

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