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My First Library Sesame Street
My First Library Sesame Street: 12 Board Books | Sesame Workshop
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A carry-along board book collection. Carry case has magnet closure and handle. Early-learning concepts and stories. 12 board books, 5 spreads, reusable storage case.
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I've had my eye on one for ages, and this week I treated myself to a book cart! Now to read all of these books...

Nute Nice! 5y
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This was the first thing to come to mind when seeing the prompt #sunnyday.
#ANewChapter @vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Daisey I might have read this in a singing voice . . . I watched a lot of Sesame Street as a kid. 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Daisey so did I!!! 🌞💛🌞💛 5y
tdrosebud @Daisey I've been singing it since I first read the prompt earlier. 5y
Daisey @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @tdrosebud 😂 Well, at least we‘re in good company! ☀️ 🎶 5y
vkois88 We just finished watching this! 😂😂 5y
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I remember this episode!

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Bedtime be like

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LauraBeth ❤️ 8y
Well-ReadNeck Ah! Reading in boxes. I spent much of my childhood like this. My grandparents owned A furniture and appliance store and we had tons of big boxes to play in!!!! 😍😍😍😍 8y
Smrloomis This is great!!! 💕💕💕 8y
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broomperson I used to read in laundry baskets 8y
ApoptyGina69 In the '70s I built forts out of gatefold record albums and blankets. And pulled my little hi-fi set in with me. Lots of stories on record in those days. The voice of Stirling Holloway reading Just So Stories was a favorite! 8y
JennyWren One of my favourite memories was staying overnight with my class mates in our local library when I was 8. We were allowed to read all night and could borrow as many books as we wanted :) 8y
Cinfhen Such a great picture 😍 8y
RealLifeReading Adorable! 8y
KCorter @Well-ReadNeck That sounds like it was so much fun! 8y
KCorter @broomperson My boys too! Under beds and tables, in baskets or boxes...They like any kind of secret spot to cuddle up with a book. :) 8y
KCorter @JennyWren That sounds heavenly! It would be my favorite memory as well! 8y
KCorter @ApoptyGina69 What a perfect way to spend an afternoon! 8y
TheCatMan This is the best of times 8y
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