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Anyone else missing features? I can no longer add or edit anything beyond titles.
How have I gone this long without reading any Star Trek books?! I grew up on Star Trek and have watched ALL the versions and movies. Decided to start with these thanks to ebay. Love the cover art too.
📚 Remember the episode where Spock & McCoy go thru a portal & are trapped in the past?
Spock had a son named Zar there & goes back to get him. He‘s a YA & pleasing his dad seems tough but he‘s a smart cookie with unusual powers.
Fear of Romulans finding time travel means Kirk, Spock & McCoy are in need.
Action ensues & soon everyone is in fear for their lives & a countdown begins.
It‘s 150 yellowed pages of yummy Star Trek goodness.
📘 Tagged
✒️ I have no books by authors starting with Y in my personal library.
🎥 Yellow Submarine
🍠 This one is a cheat, because only Americans confuse yams with sweet potatos. I am actually allergic to real true yams, but sweet potatos, I'll eat all day.
#manicmonday #letterY @JoScho
A little mindless reading tonight. And chocolate. #litsypartyofone
Just got more Star Trek goodies to add to my collection. It will be a nice trip down memory lane