#SummerSouls #Birds playing catch up!🐦⬛
#SummerSouls #Birds playing catch up!🐦⬛
I know I read her first book The Company She Keeps & her most famous,The Group. Not sure I‘ve read this one .Adding to the confusion, Lorrie Moore has a book with the same title I know I‘ve read .Still , when you find a book ,even a book club edition, from 1971 in such good condition for a $1 , you must buy it.
Ok my New Yorker post for this Sunday is an article on “Spark Birds” and highlights a 13 part documentary series on 2 birder brothers who caught the spark when watching a peregrine falcon out the window of their Bronx homeless shelter. The series is available on topic.com for free and it is fun to watch- called “Birds of North America”. Lovely for Sunday Morning 🦅🦉
Had to flip the pic sideways so you could see it properly but oh well...
1. Display at #Waterstones that I thought might help with #BackpackEurope
2. 20°c/12°c
3. Chicken Fajitas
4. I like handwriting things and all, but 10 times? Tough call.
5. Ice cold white wine, or my Nana's Gin and Juice combo (still haven't worked out which juices she uses🤔)
Just got my Penguin Women Writers Series. ❤️❤️❤️ @penguinrandomhouse @PenguinPublishing @Penguinpress @penguinusa
"How can a person be for peace if he's never experienced a feeling of peacefulness? "
Enjoying this read very much. Whilst the male protagonist comes across as spoilt and in some ways over protected, he narrates a fascinating view if the time. I find the style of writing appealing, and the way the chapters are spaced.
Looking forward to reading this.
I read The Group some years ago and liked the style of writing as well as the era in which it was set.
After sitting with it for a couple days after finishing, I'm rating this a pick rather than so-so. It's definitely dated as far as family attitudes and behaviors go (pub 1975, takes place mid-60s), but tackles the same themes we grapple with today: ecology, divorce, political ideologies, racism, philosophy, and it's oddly predictive of current events. Don't rush right out to read it, but page through if you find a cheap used copy.