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Genghis: Birth of an Empire
Genghis: Birth of an Empire | Conn Iggulden
8 posts | 19 read | 20 to read
From the author of the bestselling The Dangerous Book for Boys Genghis Khan was born Temujin, the son of a khan, raised in a clan of hunters migrating across the rugged steppe. Shaped by abandonment and betrayal, Temujin endured, driven by a singular fury: to survive in the face of death, to kill before being killed, and to conquer enemies who could come without warning from beyond the horizon. Through a series of courageous raids, Temujin's legend grew until he was chasing a vision: to unite many tribes into one, to make the earth tremble under the hoofbeats of a thousand warhorses, to subject all nations and empires to his will.
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Genghis Khan has always been an enigmatic ruler for me. This is book one of The Conqueror series. Fast-paced with crisp writing. Never a dull moment.

Now currently reading the next book 'Lords of the bow“ and it gets better. 🤘

IndianBookworm Have you read about that weird curse theory of Genghis Khan's tomb? 13mo
Parvez @IndianBookworm this book does not mentions it but I just googled and it seems to be interesting. World will end once his tomb is discovered. 13mo
IndianBookworm Also, there was this weird coincidence with the discovery of his tomb and the invasion of Nazis 13mo
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Parvez @IndianBookworm that's interesting. I have some non-fiction books on Genghis Khan to be read. What are you reading right now? 13mo
IndianBookworm Immersely involved in this and it isn't letting me read anything else. Also it's a huge ass book, can't finish it and can't put it down dilemma! 😂 What about you? 13mo
Parvez @IndianBookworm reading non-fiction right now - Guns,Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond. Also am on 3rd book of conqueror series ( Genghis Khan)by Conn iggulden. 13mo
IndianBookworm How many books are there in that series? And are they all about Genghis Khan? 13mo
Parvez @IndianBookworm It's a 5 book series called “The Conqueror Series“. It gets better and better as you go along. Recently I have been drawn to the fantasy genre and now exploring which book I should read to start with. I have already read “The Meluha Series“ by Amish and a couple of Ashwin Sanghi books. But now looking into International authors. 13mo
IndianBookworm How was Ashwin Sanghi? I've been meaning to give him a try. Try Neil Gaiman's books. 13mo
Parvez @IndianBookworm He was good. Better than Chetan Bhagat I say. Read Rozabal Line, Chanakya's chant, and Sialkot Saga. All of them are fast-paced thrillers with a decent plot. Will check Gaiman. Watched the American God Tv series. 13mo
IndianBookworm You should watch 'Good omens' (based on the book by Neil Gaiman) on Amazon prime. 😍 13mo
Parvez @IndianBookworm 👍 👍 13mo
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I absolutely loved every minute of this book! A truly great beginning to what promises to be a phenomenal journey. The tale of Genghis Khan looks to be one of intrigue, violence and a hunt for power.

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Starting my #Genghis journey. I'm so excited to read this series. #HistoricalFictionFan

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I've only read the first book, but it was fantastic. If fact I'm not sure why I haven't picked it up again. 5y
Yoricke_SouthAfrica @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I'm so glad to hear it's a great book. I'm very excited to read it. I'm planning on reading the entire series. 5y
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#AprilBookishMadness #photochallenge @maich

I love this book. It was my first foray into historical fiction, and is about the childhood and rise of Genghis Khan. It's the first book of the Conquerer Series by Conn Iggulden. I have yet to dive into the second book, and I really have no idea why.

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Wolf of the Plains | Conn Iggulden

Amazing book. A must read for people who love war history. It‘s tells us about Genghis khan and his conquests. Written beautifully, I finished the book in a record time. He is an amazing writer. Should check out the whole series as it continues with his descendants. And all the books in the series are as interesting and they never loose their charm. Also check out his Rome and tudors series. Even good for people who are new to this genre.

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The first book in the Conqueror Series about Genghis Khan, he certainly ruled a large part of the world. Quite remarkable for the times and the lack of raw materials he had to hand. #ruletheworld

I just love this song and the film it was used for - Stardust, which is based on Neil Gaiman's novel. #junetunz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC4O9dY6e1c Need to watch the film again, been too long since I last watched it!

Cinfhen Think my hubs would like this...and Father's Day is Sunday 🤞🏼 7y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen They are good reads. 7y
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While Genghis Khan may not technically have been #kingoftheworld, he ruled one of the largest land empires to ever exist. #characters2017

As a side note, this is a great historical fiction series. Iggulden is a master.

TrishB I have only tried his Wars of the Roses and didn't like them......keep thinking I'm missing out..... 7y
DGRachel @TrishB I feel the same way about Bernard Cornwall. I've read four of his books - his Arthurian trilogy and Agincourt - and was so disappointed. I really wanted to read the last kingdom series because of the subject matter. If only they were written by someone else. 😂 7y
DGRachel Oh, and I love the Wars of the Roses books, but I can totally see where Iggulden's style doesn't appeal to everyone. 7y
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Andrew65 I haven't finished all the books in this series but have enjoyed the ones I've read but can only read them when I have a lot of dedicated reading time, otherwise have trouble getting into them. 7y
LibrarianRyan 👍🏻🤓 7y
TrishB And I love Cornwell 😀 7y
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I've literally been too lazy to read this book for a long long time. I finally got myself to read it, and I was pleasantly surprised ! It took me some time to finish it, because of my studies and because it was a bit chunky, but the author really captured the brutality of those times. finished the last 100 pages or so in one sitting