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Christmas at Tiffany's
Christmas at Tiffany's: A Novel | Karen Swan
8 posts | 10 read | 11 to read
What do you do when the man you pledged your life to breaks your heart and shatters your dreams? You pack your bags and travel the big, wide world to find your destinyand your true love . . . Ten years ago, a young and nave Cassie married her first serious boyfriend, believing he would be with her forever. Now her marriage is in tatters and Cassie has no career or home of her own. Though she feels betrayed and confused, Cassie isn't giving up. She's going to take control of her life. But first she has to find out where she belongs . . . and who she wants to be. Over the course of one year, Cassie leaves her sheltered life in rural Scotland to stay with her best friends living in the most glamorous cities in the world: New York, Paris, and London. Exchanging comfort food and mousy hair for a low-carb diet and a gorgeous new look, Cassie tries each city on for size as she searches for the life she's meant to have . . . and the man she's meant to love.
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I enjoyed this so much that I stayed up late to finish it!

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The only good thing about an afternoon dentist appointment? Getting home earlier than usual to read with my best girl 💛

HeatherBlue @BookishMarginalia Thanks!! ❤️🐾 5y
Born.A.Reader Oh my gosh so cute!! Btw, be on the lookout for a little something via 📬. 😊 5y
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This title is so misleading! This is NOT a Christmas book! Only a couple of scenes and the ending are set at Christmas time! The rest of the book is a bog standard romance. I still really liked it in the beginning; I liked the storyline of a woman travelling to visit friends in New York, Paris & London after a divorce to rediscover herself but it quickly slipped into predictable cliches! 🙄 and the ending was so disappointing!!!! 😒

Cinfhen Bleh 😖 6y
Caroline2 @Cinfhen exactly!!! 🤢 6y
MayJasper Oh dear. Not fun. 6y
Dragon Thanks for the warning, I‘ll skip this one. 👍🐉 6y
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Four glamorous friends since childhood share the task of consoling one of the group when she discovers her husband has not been faithful. Cassie travels to New York, Paris and London as she strives to find herself. PS She finds a gift with her name on it not once but twice under the Christmas Tree at the 5th Avenue Store! Pure escapism. And a happy ending! #onemorefestivebooktofinish

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Trying to finish one of the last of my holiday reads, and was surprised that the Diner en Blanc event was a part of the Paris story! This is a photo of our table at this year‘s party in Philadelphia. It truly is magical and the book portrayed this. Have any of you attended?

Cinfhen No!?! What is this marvelousness ?!? 7y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen Hello my friend! It is a pop up picnic at a secret location that began in Paris and is now global. Everyone wears white and your table must have a white tablecloth. This year it was at Franklin Square and last year it was on the steps of the Art Museum! Incredible! 7y
Cinfhen When does it take place??? How fun😍 7y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen It takes place in August. But, there is a lottery for tickets a few months before that. Yes, lots of fun! 7y
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Found this on my Kindle and thought, “ let‘s keep this cozy party going! “ #acozyholiday #christmas

Cinfhen Merry Christmas, dear friend 😘😘😘 7y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen Thank you! Everything is aglow on the Main Line! Wishing you the Happiest New Year! 🎉😘❤️ 7y
Cinfhen I miss those beautiful homes with all the lights😭😭😭😭 7y
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What's everyone reading?😃 📖 Happy Sunday Littens🤗🎄

swatreads @ForeverNerdy So sorry I missed this comment😬 did u finish Mystery in White? 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Yes, I did it was a nice read. I probably won‘t read any more in the series of these books but enjoyable. No need to be sorry, I do the same thing. Have a great New Year ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 7y
swatreads @ForeverNerdy Same here. Not sure if I'll read more of them. Atleast not for a long time😁 my tbr pile is huge😄 Thank you... You too have a wonderful New Year😚 7y
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So excited to start this Christmasy book soon.💙💙 The blurb is so interesting, I can't wait to start! I love anything that's about travelling places or moving to a new place/country. It seems like a perfect holiday read! Anyone interested to buddy read this with me?🤗
P.S It has a sequel as well called Summer At Tiffany's!

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