Can you even imagine? For such a "scandalous" bathing suit? No skirt! No sleeves! THE HORROR. What a weird time to be alive.
Can you even imagine? For such a "scandalous" bathing suit? No skirt! No sleeves! THE HORROR. What a weird time to be alive.
Stuck in traffic on the Bay Bridge and I'm about to swim home at this point. Why did I agree to go to the Eastern Shore on a summer weekend? WHY? 😭😭
Reading these two right now and hoping to finish both this weekend! Thanks, @Liberty, for another awesome giveaway! 💕 #WEEKENDGIVEAWAY
I'm just sitting here, reading and minding my own business, and I moved my book slightly to look at the clock and this is what I get. 😳 Then I just stared back and he left. I WIN. #kingcyress #catsoflitsy
New read for today on my last weekday vacation day before having to go back to work on Monday (😭). I'm the first to post about this book here, so I have no trusty Litten opinions on this one and basically going in blind. It sounded really interesting, though, so I couldn't pass it up at Barnes & Noble yesterday!