Both the title and author fit today's M/N/O prompt! Epic fantasy with an interesting world & complex, fantastic main character. #jubilantjuly
Both the title and author fit today's M/N/O prompt! Epic fantasy with an interesting world & complex, fantastic main character. #jubilantjuly
It took me a while to finish this one because it had a bit of a slow start for me. Also, it has dual POV and I liked Oressa's more than Gulien's chapters. I was rooting for Oressa right from the start - intelligent, resourceful and sneaky - definitely my kind of princess. Gulien eventually grew on me (as did Gajdosik) and I enjoyed the book overall. Recommended for fans of fantasy with politics.
#Christmas #Kindle #fantasy #LitsyFeature
I forgot to take out my Kindle for a #bookandcoffee shot so I'm just tagging my current read. These were the drinks my girlfriends and I got last night. I ordered the Santa Hat dark mocha because that's not available in Singapore. It's dark mocha with strawberry whipped cream, tasted great with just two pumps each of dark mocha and vanilla.👌☕
#coffee #Starbucks
#bookandcoffee!☕📖 I've been busy meeting family and friends since I landed in Manila on Saturday, but I've been squeezing in some reading whenever I have pockets of free time (e.g. in between get togethers, while stuck in traffic). I want to read now but it's almost 4am so way past my bedtime! 😴
#Kindle #Christmas #fantasy
#bookanddinner a.k.a. had a stressful workday so had to unwind with my favorite fruit tea, yummy dinner and a fantasy book. I've been reading back to back Christmas contemporary romances so I'm in the mood for some fantasy now.
#bookandtea #bookandbrew #fantasy #Kindle
I'm a day late but this my December TBR. I'm still reading for #cybils and I'm behind on all other reading. These two are books that I want to read so much and sadly keep getting pushed. #seasonsreadings2016
A friend gave me Laduree's earl grey tea jam when she came back from Europe, and it goes perfectly with scones. I haven't had much time to read this weekend because I'm out and about but hopefully, I'll be able to catch up on some chapters this evening.
#bookandtea #tea #teatime #bookanddessert #Kindle
I've been planning to read this book ever since I saw its gorgeous cover (looks much better in color, of course). I bumped it up because I recently saw a blogger friend share a positive review of it. Still early stages but I like the characters so far.
Also, can this count as #LitsyCooks? LOL I'm in the middle of the work day so I definitely didn't make this though.
#bookandlunch #LitsyFeature #fantasy