On the whole, I think I enjoyed this second entry more than the first. Again, the same issues linger with Anthony‘s prose and characterization, but the narrative was more engaging and dynamic.
On the whole, I think I enjoyed this second entry more than the first. Again, the same issues linger with Anthony‘s prose and characterization, but the narrative was more engaging and dynamic.
I have to admit I skimmed some of this one....how can the same author who has such great creativity in some of the larger story plots about the fight between incarnations and good and evil, ALSO have some decidedly ugh-worthy side plots filled with inner and outer dialogues than make me feel.... well icky.
Guess it‘s safe to say I‘m really conflicted with this series so far. 🤷♀️
Started this one last night, I‘m working on catching up with the #IncarnationsChapterADay group next... although for me it should probably be called the #Incarnation2BooksBehindGroup🤪. I‘ll get there though, one book at a time.😉
As we start on book three I figured I should comment on finishing this. I enjoyed this one more than Pale Horse - in part because it was a bit more humorous- especially Anthony poking fun at all the tropes of SFF. BEMs ala Stormship Troopers! The sexism is still there but a bit less too. It has been years but I‘m starting to remember the threads that connect the characters. thoughts on the authors notes of either book? #incarnationsChapterADay?
So @MelAnn wants people to post #selfiesunday posts because we all know we look our bests in lazy Sunday mornings.
Right now I‘m trying to get my laundry done before the Eagles game at the laundromat. I always feel like a laundromat is the perfect training grounds for apocalyptic survival.
Right now I‘m trying to get my #incarnationschapteraday done. In Audio I just finished Dread Nation and started John Woman by Walter Mosley.
Norton - the traveling, unattached and very uncommitted meets a ghost who wants his help with getting an heir on his ghost-bride. I find the beginning of this novel a bit more humorous than OAPH. #incarnationsChapterADay
The first chapter of Bearing an Hourglass felt quick. There were some funny lines, like this one about dragons and cats but I don‘t think the world and characters were as well established as in the first book. That being said, I‘m interested in how things progress. Norton seems kinda like a hipster and my hopes that the misogyny would be less prevalent were squashed. #incarnationsChapteraday