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Jaguar Smile: A Nicaraguan Journey
Jaguar Smile: A Nicaraguan Journey | Salman Rushdie
7 posts | 12 read | 7 to read
I did not go to Nicaragua intending to write a book, or, indeed, to write at all: but my encounter with the place affected me so deeply that in the end I had no choice. So notes Salman Rushdie in his first work of nonfiction, a book as imaginative and meaningful as his acclaimed novels. In "The Jaguar Smile," Rushdie paints a brilliantly sharp and haunting portrait of the people, the politics, the terrain, and the poetry of a country in which the ancient, opposing forces of creation and destruction were in violent collision. Recounting his travels there in 1986, in the midst of America s behind-the-scenes war against the Sandinistas, Rushdie reveals a nation resounding to the clashes between government and individuals, history and morality."
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The Jaguar Smile | Salman Rushdie
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In the mid 1980s, Salman Rushdie went to #Nicaragua and talked to people about the Sandinista/Contra conflict. He chronicles the trip here. It‘s always fascinating to see the different between how real people on the ground experience something and what is reported in the news. Plus, this book has been in circulation at my library for over 35 years. So cool!


vivastory I love Rushdie but for some reason had never heard of this one! 7mo
Hooked_on_books @vivastory The only reason I found it was because of this reading challenge. Which I think is the whole point! 😉 7mo
Texreader Love you posted this pic!! 7mo
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TheBookHippie How fun!!!!! I love it! 7mo
Bookzombie I sort of miss signing the card and having the due date stamped on the book. 🙂 7mo
BarbaraBB I read this in my “I want to read everything Rushdie writes” days 😀 7mo
squirrelbrain Fabulous! 7mo
Librarybelle The due date card! ❤️ 7mo
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The Jaguar Smile | Salman Rushdie
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I found this nonfiction read for #ReadingTheAmericas to be well written and for me brought #Nicaragua to life for me. This is the first time reading this author and I found his account of his time in this country eye opening and intriguing. #bookspin @thearomaofbooks @librarybelle @BarbaraBB

Librarybelle I need to read this! 8mo
BarbaraBB I love Rushdie and I read this one a long time ago 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 8mo
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The Jaguar Smile | Salman Rushdie
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Managed to fit a #AuthorAMonth book in before the end of the month, that also took me to #Nicaragua for #ReadingTheAmericas2023.

An interesting book that takes you on a voyage through Nicaragua and its people during the time of Reagan‘s Presidency.

@Soubhiville @Barbarabb @Librarybelle

Bookwormjillk I read this one too. It was like a time capsule. 10mo
Andrew65 @Bookwormjillk Very much so, it also made me think where has the time gone! 10mo
Amiable Great job with making it fit more than one challenge! 10mo
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Librarybelle Hooray!! 10mo
Soubhiville I love when you can dip into multiple challenges with one book! 10mo
Andrew65 @Soubhiville It always feels good when you can do that. 10mo
Andrew65 @Librarybelle Thanks ❤️ 10mo
Andrew65 @Amiable Feels very satisfying when you can do that. 10mo
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The Jaguar Smile | Salman Rushdie
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I wasn‘t feeling clever enough for Rushdie‘s fiction so I decided on this non fiction account of his trip to Nicaragua in 1986. It was a very specific snapshot of a moment in time, but I appreciated it. #AuthorAMonth #ReadingTheAmericas2023

BarbaraBB I still remember this one even though I read it a long time ago 11mo
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#readingtheamericas2023 #nicaragua Rushdie visits Nicaragua in 1986 when the FLSN are still idealistic after their election victory in 1979 but fighting a civil war with the Contra insurgents. He admits to only capturing a moment in time but the personal insights he brings to that moment are well presented.

BarbaraBB I read this one long ago. I don‘t remember much. Maybe I should reread it for the challenge! 1y
Librarybelle Oh! I may have to look into this one! 1y
azulaco This is one of my possibles for #nicaragua. I‘m intimidated by Rushdie‘s writing, but it does sound good. 1y
Currey @azulaco This is pretty easy reading for Rushdie and short! 1y
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The Jaguar Smile | Salman Rushdie
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This was my pick for my Read the World Challenge - Central America. It‘s a non fiction account of Salman Rushdie‘s visit to Nicaragua during the Reagan administration.

There was a young girl from Nic'ragua

who smiled as she rode on a jaguar

they returned from the ride

with the young girl inside

and a smile on the face of the jaguar.

Rushdie asks: Are the Sandinistas the girl or the jaguar?

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nice to read from the other side. having visited nicaragua several times in my youth supporting the FSLN was a quick way to miss out on dinner. my mother fiercely hated what had happened to the country and here i get to read about liberation theology and poets running a country. funny as Ortega today along with his wife have been 'eleceted' for another term and have banned outside supervision of elections. guess. noone read this book in the 90s.