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Born on #StKitts, Vanier details his time growing up there. I‘m not usually a fan of childhood memoirs, but he‘s quite a character, which made this entertaining. It‘s a bit slow in places, but I really enjoyed it.

I took it right up to the buzzer, but that‘s a completion for me of #ReadingAmericas2023! 🥳

BarbaraBB Wow that is so fast!! Happy new year Holly 🍀💚 6mo
Librarybelle Hooray!! Congrats on completing! 6mo
squirrelbrain Hooray! 🎉🎉🎉 6mo
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This is an autobiographical novel by a woman from #Curaçao whose mother brought her to the US at 13. Certainly a lot of what happens for her is affecting, but the writing is young YA, which really didn‘t work for me, and some of the naivety of the characters stretches credulity. I struggled a bit to get through this and it frankly would‘ve been a bail if I had another option for #DutchAntilles.


Librarybelle You have to be close to finishing the challenge! 6mo
Hooked_on_books @Librarybelle 1 book left, which I will be reading this week! 6mo
Librarybelle Awesome!!! 6mo
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In this book, the narrator tells what she knows of the story of her grandmother, Victoire, who lived most of her life on #Guadeloupe. Parts are really compelling, but as a whole I found it quite uneven. This is my second read from this author and I would read her again.


Librarybelle Do you think the unevenness is from the translation? I know sometimes translations really take the flow away from the original text. 7mo
Hooked_on_books @Librarybelle That‘s definitely possible, though in this case I‘m not so sure. Hard to know without reading the original, I think. And I‘m not steeped enough in analyzing translating works to feel like I can say with much conviction. 7mo
BarbaraBB Interesting. I loved Segú so much and had high expectations but was disappointed by 7mo
Librarybelle That‘s fair! 7mo
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The Jaguar Smile | Salman Rushdie
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In the mid 1980s, Salman Rushdie went to #Nicaragua and talked to people about the Sandinista/Contra conflict. He chronicles the trip here. It‘s always fascinating to see the different between how real people on the ground experience something and what is reported in the news. Plus, this book has been in circulation at my library for over 35 years. So cool!


vivastory I love Rushdie but for some reason had never heard of this one! 7mo
Hooked_on_books @vivastory The only reason I found it was because of this reading challenge. Which I think is the whole point! 😉 7mo
Texreader Love you posted this pic!! 7mo
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TheBookHippie How fun!!!!! I love it! 7mo
Bookzombie I sort of miss signing the card and having the due date stamped on the book. 🙂 7mo
BarbaraBB I read this in my “I want to read everything Rushdie writes” days 😀 7mo
squirrelbrain Fabulous! 7mo
Librarybelle The due date card! ❤️ 7mo
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My initial book for #Belize didn‘t work out and, quite frankly, I‘m so glad, because I loved this one! It starts as a history of jaguars and humans and how they influenced one another then evolves into the modern science of jaguar study, Rabinowitz‘s area of expertise. Riveting book; he did wonderful work.


Librarybelle Sounds interesting! 7mo
BarbaraBB Wow sounds good. What a find! 7mo
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Starting in 1982, Simon Winchester traveled to the remaining parts of the UK outside the British Isles, from Tristan da Cunha to #Bermuda to the Falkland Islands (arriving there at a very interesting time). Aspects of this book are super interesting, but the book is ultimately flawed by relying so heavily on the British viewpoint and ignoring that of the locals.


Librarybelle Good to know about the viewpoint! 7mo
Bookwormjillk This was on my list. I‘ll keep your review in mind. 7mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
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Sun, Sand, Murder: A Mystery | John Keyse-Walker
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This was a disappointment. A misogynistic philanderer is the only cop on Anegada and someone has been killed, kicking off an investigation in which he does just about everything wrong and the killer reveals themselves to him rather than him solving it. And the who doesn‘t make any sense. It did give me a good sense of place, at least.

#BritishVirginIslands #ReadingAmericas2023

Librarybelle Yikes! Hard pass on this one, but awesome you stuck with it! 7mo
squirrelbrain Binti looks as fed up as you are with this book! 7mo
ShelleyBooksie Binti ♡♡ 7mo
dabbe Hi there, beautiful Binti! 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
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Kurt‘s family has brought Rachel along on their trip to #Aruba, when the teen group seems something mysterious come from the sky. When they go to investigate, Kurt vanishes. They spend the rest of the book trying to figure out how to get him back. This is self-published and it shows, but I was entertained by this little sci-fi YA. A low pick (for books 1&2).


Librarybelle Hooray!! 7mo
squirrelbrain Are you nearly there with #readingtheamericas23? 7mo
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain Seven to go! I have 2 I need to get from the library but have the rest at hand. I should be able to make it happen. 7mo
BarbaraBB Only seven! You got this 🙌🏽 7mo
squirrelbrain Hooray! Fingers crossed you can do it! 🤞 7mo
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Living in Paris among the elite, Ella Lynch meets a handsome stranger and ends up going to his home country, #Paraguay, with him. Never marrying, she is effectively his wife, as they have multiple children together, he secedes his father as president, and the country devolves into war. I quite liked this—the perspective is unique and the extreme violence is balanced by a thread of wry humor.


Librarybelle Sounds very interesting! 7mo
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This book looks first at the explorations across the land mass of #Greenland, then at the scientific studies of the ice, which have led to some major understandings and more questions about climate change. Really interesting, sobering read. (Bindi doesn‘t want to talk about it.)


TrishB Oh thanks- I think my daughter would like this one 👍🏻 7mo
Librarybelle Love Bindi‘s pose! 7mo
squirrelbrain Bindi says ‘Turn the light off, I‘m trying to sleep!‘ 7mo
dabbe Hello there, Beautiful Bindi! What a pose! 🖤🐾🖤 7mo
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