This one made me happy to be reading the series again.
This one made me happy to be reading the series again.
I do want to finish these two series but I might save that for next year. 😁
It was good to see Seregil and Alec back to their usual tricks as the Rhiminee Cat, but the book feels like a filler episode. The main intrigue had nothing to do with the overall story arch. I prefer it to the two previous books, but it's not a patch on the first three. Still, it's a pick because... well, it's the Nightrunners!
I was too tired to get to 12h last night, too tired to finish this book, and even too tired to post my time. I was starting to zone out mid-page. But now I'm awake and ready to attempt the remaining 12h25mins! #24in48
I was about to start my next book for the #24in48 when I noticed that the corners on some of the pages had been turned down. I hurriedly unfolded them and discovered this strange manufacturing error!
And... #BookMail bringing me more books I want to read right away! 😍😫 Though honestly... I waited this long to get them, I can stand to queue them up on the shelf for a bit. (Except, who's the redhead on the Casket of Souls cover? Has Alec dyed his hair for a disguise, or is this just bad cover shenanigans?!)
It was a delight to spend an entire book seeped in the intrigue of Rhiminee with all of the characters I know and love making appearances. While there is some jeopardy for the people you care about, this adventure is considerably more light hearted than the ones that preceded it.