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Joined March 2016

Dorothy Zbornak is my spirit animal. Ardent book lover and reader, former cat Mom, Anglophile, Book Bubbler on YouTube, Milwaukee ‘burbs.
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Wow, No Thank You by Samantha Irby
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The Ex Hex: A Novel by Erin Sterling
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Another soft pick, this new short story in the Hamish MacBeth series was pretty good. It‘s a terrible spring storm when Hamish gets called out for a missing laird at a remote hunting lodge. After narrowly escaping a mud/tree slide he is stuck a the lodge with the guests, finds the body, and overnight manages to solve the crime by himself. A nice addition, and I do like RW Green‘s writing, which bodes well for him taking over both of her series.

LauraBrook Book 5/3 Pages 997/500 #deweyapril 2y
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This was a good choice for me to be reading in the wee hours of the #readathon, as the last 100 or so pages are almost totally action. The second in this middle grade/YA cusp series, Sophie and Agatha find themselves back at School, only with boys on one side and girls the other. Whose Ever After will win out? Why is the new headmistress so controlling? Which girl does Tedros love? Lots of drama and angst but still fun, even if I‘m not the …

LauraBrook … intended age group. I‘ll be reading the next in the series, somewhat begrudgingly, as I already own it and the next two after that as well. Book 4/3 Pages 940/500 #deweyapril Seeing as it‘s nearly 2:30AM I‘m off to bed to sleep for a bit. 2y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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It‘s past mid-event, oops! Got distracted watching 📺.
Currently reading the second in a chunky middle grade series.
I‘ve finished 3 books
Looking forward to Randy Rainbow!
All self-made interruptions and I need to nip them in the bud!
I‘m surprised that I haven‘t been reading more, honestly. Genuinely don‘t know how I‘ve been up for 15 hours & only actively reading for like 4 of them. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Oh well, getting back to it! #readathon

Babylon Berlin | Arne Jysch
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Book 3 of the #readathon, and I hit both of my goals! This is an adaptation of the novel. Set in the 1920‘s in Berlin, Gereon Rath is sent to Berlin and gets assigned a few steps down to Vice, but he needed to get out of Cologne after bad press. He ends up getting involved in several murders, cocaine, dirty cops, dames, you get the idea. This was some noir fun, and I look forward to checking out the 📺 soon. Book 3/3 Pages 595/500 #deweyapril

The Far Field | Madhuri Vijay
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Close to a pick and book 2 finished for the #readathon. Set in India, we follow a young woman after the death of her mother as she searches for an old family friend, going from Southern India to the far North on her own. This is both a personal story and one of political change and prejudice. I liked and mostly enjoyed it but wouldn‘t give it a blanket recommendation and can‘t see myself rereading. Book 2/3 pages read 379/500 #deweyapril

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A nice way to ease into the ‘thon this morning. If you‘re into birds and fairly minute details about them and their habits, this is the book for you. It‘s amazing both what and how much Bernd is able to observe and keep track (the organization! 😍), & for such a stretch of time too. Coming from a nature family almost all of these birds were familiar to me (also helps that I live in the Northern US too), it was fascinating. Book 1/3 Pages 163/500

shanaqui Hmmm, this sounds potentially worth me picking up -- British birds are different, of course, but it sounds gentle and fascinating. Thank you for the review! 2y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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1. Suburbs of Milwaukee, WI, USA
2. Not sure - just mood reading today!
3. Veggie sushi. And red vines. (Obv not at the same time)
4. I‘m working on getting out into nature at least a couple of times a week. For someone who grew up with outdoorsy parents I seem to have misplaced that gene in my 20s-early 40s
5. I‘m keeping it casual this time, just want to finish 3 books and/or 500 pages.

Mollyanna Happy Readathon! Enjoy the day. 2y
LauraBrook @Mollyanna Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the Readathon today too! 2y
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The Hacienda | Isabel Caas
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My picks for BOTM this month! Really hoping I can read these both soon after I get them - unlike my usual waiting 2 years. 😜🤷🏻‍♀️

BookwormAHN My picks too 😺 2y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Y‘all… I‘m an idiot! I swear that last October when they posted the date for this round that it was today - but NOPE! It‘s next week Saturday! I‘m so stupid. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Oh well! I‘ll still be reading This Tender Land today, but I won‘t feel guilty now for doing housework, etc. #duh

Readerann I actually did a personal Readathon this Saturday (the 23rd) because I will be traveling next weekend and have to miss the official one. 😢 I‘ll miss checking in with my fav RAT pal! ❤️ 2y
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This Tender Land: A Novel | William Kent Krueger
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Working on this one for Dewey‘s Readathon! Need to finish it by tomorrow afternoon so I can host a live book discussion online! I‘m 1/4 of the way through so far, and it‘s going well - I just need to buckle down and finish it.
This is the most casual I‘ve been about a Dewey‘s in years, and I‘m okay with that. My only goals are to finish 3 books/ read 500 pages. Anyone else participating? #deweys

BookBabe I didn‘t hear about it until you just posted this, so cool that you‘re doing it and the live discussion! This book sounds like a good read. #stacked! 2y
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1. Abysmal (hardly anything got read!)
2. The tagged book, which is the 14th (?) in the Royal Spyness series. Here‘s hoping my reading mojo comes back soon!

Thank you for tagging me, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💗💓💗

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🧡🧡🧡 3y
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November Boughs | Walt Whitman
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Here‘s my messy November #bookspin! All of these (except for 3) are titles that I‘ve pulled for reading challenges/TBRs in the last year. I don‘t want to reshelve them, so I‘m hopeful that I‘ll be able to read more than the one bookspin pick this month. Also, in honor of #nonfictionnovember, the first 13 titles here are nonfiction.

Looking forward to the announcement! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks If you ever want to join #LitsyLove let me know! Lots of loving encouraging people there! ❤️ 3y
LauraBrook @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I certainly will. Thank you so much for being so kind, especially today. You‘re such a wonderful person, and so thoughtful. Thank you!❤️❤️ 3y
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @LauraBrook awww you‘re so sweet 💞💞 3y
EvieBee Missing you! Hope all is well. 💕💕 2y
LauraBrook @EvieBee Eve! I miss you too! My life has been taken over by a friends life this year, and I had to get a new phone, so it‘s been a hot minute since I‘ve been able to do my own thing. But I‘m hanging in! I hope you‘ve been doing well! 💝💝💝 2y
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The Lost World | Michael Crichton
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My evening plans are to finish this book in time for a live stream on YouTube tomorrow morning. Yikes! Only 350 pages to go. 😵‍💫

Reggie Yowzas!!! Good luck! 3y
LauraBrook @Reggie Thanks! I had to help my neighbors last night and then I fell asleep very early, so I have to speed-read the second half in the next two hours. I‘ll probably end up googling the end. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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Omg! I knew it was Dewey‘s RAT today, but it never really sunk in - until now! It‘s almost 9pm, and I‘m just getting started. Hoping to finish this tonight, with a little Miss Marple in the background.
#readathon #deweys

Readerann Nice to ‘see‘ you, Laura! I mostly pooped out on Dewey‘s this time. Hoping to be back on my game in April. 😁 3y
LauraBrook @Readerann I pooped out on this one too - not one page got read! I got distracted by a text and then by the news on my phone… Next time I hope we can both participate like usual! Sending you lots of love! 💓 3y
Readerann 🤗 3y
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I‘m on my first vacation (just for me, not for a wedding, or to help a family member) and I brought a few books with me. I‘ll only be gone until Thursday afternoon - do you think I brought enough options? 😆 (Oh, also, I have my kindle too.) There‘s a soaking tub in the loft, so I‘ll be reading in the tub both nights. 🛁

LeahBergen I‘m not sure but … I think you‘ll be okay for reading material. 😂 3y
JenReadsAlot Have a great time!! 3y
MaureenMc It‘s always good to have options! Like, an overwhelming number of options! 😂 3y
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LauraBeth This sounds heavenly! 3y
rabbitprincess Enjoy!! 3y
LauraBrook @LeahBergen I know, right? Let‘s hope it lasts. 3y
LauraBrook @JenReadsAlot Thank you! At least I‘m taking a vacation before 50, right? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😆 3y
LauraBrook @MaureenMc I agree! 😆😆 3y
LauraBrook @LauraBeth So far, so good! I‘m sitting in the bath, watching a movie, ready to read. Not too shabby! 3y
EvieBee Sounds like my kind of vacay! Enjoy! 3y
Soubhiville Sounds like a wonder way to spend a few days. Enjoy! 3y
Megabooks Great stack!! Enjoy! 3y
TrishB Sounds fab! 3y
Mollyanna Sounds wonderful! Looks like a quaint place to stay. Enjoy! 3y
Lindy A travelling library! Hope your holiday is going well. 3y
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Just started this book this morning and I‘m loving it so far. Learning about both plants and the authors life is equally fascinating. So happy I picked it up thanks to two of my booktube friends and their reading group, The Book Naturalists.

Death of a Hussy | M. C. Beaton
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You might have known people really do dress up for dinner in the Highlands.

Forgot to do this yesterday!

The Long Weekend | Veronica Henry
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What a pleasing, easy read this was! While I haven‘t talked with Emily, my buddy reader, yet, I‘ll say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Yes, the cast of characters is large, so it was a bit of a “wait, who‘s that again?” every time there was a change, but it was such a delight to read that that was a minor detail. Predictable? Sure, in some ways, but that doesn‘t make this any less of a comforting pleasure to read. Reminds me of Maeve Binchy.

The Long Weekend | Veronica Henry
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Buddy reading this with a friend from Booktube and she already finished 2 days ago! (We didn‘t have a set schedule, and she is 6 hours ahead of me, but still.) Looks like I need to get tucked into this today. Oh darn! 😉

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I managed to finish a book for the #20in4 and it was a wonderful choice. By turns funny, absurd, heartfelt, devastating, and honest, I enjoyed every single page. Made me realize just how much I‘ve missed Allie‘s voice and humor over the last 7 years. Recommended if you like her stuff already - don‘t know how this would hit if it‘s your introduction to Ms Brosh.

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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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How much I‘ve read so far this weekend. Call me a pessimist, but I don‘t think I‘ll complete the #20in4 this weekend. Still - as soon as I take out my recycling, I‘m planning on picking up a book. How have all of your weekends been so far?

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Slow here too, lots of interruptions and other things that suddenly/urgently need to be done. 3y
MicheleinPhilly That‘s not far off from how much I‘ve read over the last 2 weeks. 😩 3y
LauraBrook @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Phew, glad I‘m not the only one! 3y
LauraBrook @MicheleinPhilly That sounds awful! Hopefully that‘ll turn around soon and you‘ll be blazing through books again. Lots of love to you and Pickles! 💚 3y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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This is very last-minute, but I‘m joining in the #20in4 readathon this weekend! I will shoot for 20 hours of reading - aside from two quick stops tomorrow I‘ll just be at home until Thursday next week, so I‘ll have plenty of time at hand. No real plans for book lists, page count goals, or anything else. I‘m excited to get started! Thank you for hosting, Andrew! @Andrew65 I hope you enjoy your beautiful setting this weekend, it looks gorgeous!

Andrew65 Thanks Laura, it is much needed! Good luck with the Readathon and great to have you with us. 😊👍 3y
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The Lilac Bus: A Novel | Maeve Binchy
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Nancy was early, but then she always was, and she didn‘t like being seen there too soon.

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The Bounty: A Novel | Janet Evanovich, Steve Hamilton
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I didn‘t know this existed until last week! I was number 35 on the hold list and then two days later it was available for pickup. 🧐 Not going to question it too much, bc I‘m having a blast reading this so far! Evanovich is a comfort author for sure - and she‘s got two more new books coming out this year, so I am happy!

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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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My total reading time for Dewey‘s Readathon yesterday! I could have been better about using Audiobooks, but I‘m good with my time for sure. I finished 2 books, read 100 pages from another, and read one book from start to finish, totaling about 850 pages. Thanks everyone for following - how did you all do? Sending lots of love to you this Sunday!!!

The Russian Cage | Charlaine Harris
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This was suspenseful and such fun! You for sure need to read this series in order, absolutely. This time Lizbeth is off to the Holy Roman Empire, San Diego specifically, to try and rescue Eli who is in prison. Of course she sees her half sister, and Felix, and other old friends/foes. Gunnie has some great one-liners, and I easily kept turning the pages. 4 stars and can‘t wait for the next book! Book 3 for #deweysreadathon

Readerann That does look like fun! Good to see you had a successful RAT. It was great to unplug for a day, wasn‘t it? 3y
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East of Eden | John Steinbeck
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Just finished my weekly pages in East of Eden. I‘m at the halfway point. It‘s good, and not at all like I expected it to be. This is my first Steinbeck, and I‘m glad that it‘s easy reading. #deweysreadathon

AmyG This is a great book. 3y
Readerann I love Steinbeck (but not Hemingway- go figure). Hope you‘re still hanging in there! I‘m not sleepy but my eyes are bothering me, so I‘ll switch to audio for a while and hope for a visual recharge. 👀 3y
RachelAmphlett Loved this book - I much preferred it to The Grapes of Wrath. 3y
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LauraBrook @AmyG I had no idea it would be this good! 3y
LauraBrook @Readerann I hung in until 2am before I had to sleep. Heading over to yours now to see how you did! 3y
LauraBrook @RachelAmphlett I don‘t know if I could handle Grapes. I‘ve seen a stage adaptation and that was super depressing. Will have to have a think about it. 3y
AmyG Grapes of Wrath, to me, is history. The mico and the macro. I can only say, yes it‘s depressing but also very hopeful. 3y
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This was alright- of all the books so far in this series (this is #5) this felt the most like the first one. Our MCs in the past are Robert and Charlotte, and between seeking revenge for a murder in India, trying not to fall for the Duke, and a plot involving Hellfire Clubs and a kidnapping of George III, the two fall in love. With lots of miscommunication of course. Eloise and Colin bumble along charmingly in modern day. A fun read.

LauraBrook Book number 2 finished for #deweysreadathon 3y
Readerann Looks like a light, fun read. Happy to see your readathon is going swimmingly! 😁 😂 3y
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Really between pick and so-so. I enjoyed this collection of essays from 2006 - it‘s funny, some of them seem very current and some of them seem horribly dated. Especially when she mentions technology, it seems like eons ago vs 15 years. Still, I love her voice and these were a lot of fun. (And now that I‘m in my 40s I can relate to some aspects more than I‘d like!)

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Good morning, Littens! A late start to #deweysreadathon today, and an easy read to get my mind awake.

My goals are to read three books, one of them from start to finish, and to read for 8 hours total. I have one errand and plans for Chinese food pickup later, but that‘s it!

Also, the only book I have in my “stack” is The Russian Cage by Charlaine Harris - totally winging this RAT for the first time! I feel like a rebel.

Readerann Hello, my lovely intrepid readathon pal! So happy to see you here! I have your tagged book in my stack(s) from the library used book sales. Must get to it one of these days. 😁 Winging it today is absolutely allowed. It‘s great we can all do the RAT however we want! I‘ll be checking on you. 🤗 3y
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Happy New Year, Littens! May all of our books be good ones, may our immune systems stay strong and healthy, and may we be able to find the good in even the worst of things. ❤️

Tamra 👍🏾👏🏾 Indeed - well said! Happy New Year! 4y
Chrissyreadit Yes! Great post! Looks like something I should hang up! Thanks @Mitch for tagging ❤️ 4y
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squirrelbrain Lovely post! 4y
LeahBergen Happy New Year! 😘 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I love these!! 4y
Gissy 🙌🎉🎊🎉🎊❤️❤️❤️ 4y
Crazeedi @Chrissyreadit you must have read my mind, I just took screenshot to print!! 4y
Crazeedi @Mitch thank you so much, as above comment says I'm printing this!! Happy new year , hope all you do brings you joy 4y
Blaire Love these thoughts! Beautiful! 4y
Lreads Happy New Year!🎉💚 4y
Reggie Happy New Year! 4y
batsy Happy new year 💕 4y
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I‘m not sure what prompted me to request this book (I‘m not on Twitter and I‘ve only heard the name in passing), but after requesting it from the library in an almost daydream state, it arrived just two days later from a distant ‘brary. I picked it up this afternoon and as soon as I got home I flopped onto the couch and started reading. I can‘t put it down. Meant to be?

Suet624 Sometimes I wonder if I dreamt of the book and then requested it. :) 4y
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Very relatable. Who isn‘t passionate about good pens?!?

LeahBergen I liked this book! 4y
LauraBrook @LeahBergen That‘s excellent! I‘m happy that it‘s taking me out of this oil change appointment. Just wish I had some actual Virginia here with me too, it‘s making me want to read her more than usual. 4y
Sparklemn I'm also passionate about good pencils. 🤓 💙 #accountantsoflitsy
readordierachel A good pen is a thing of beauty! 4y
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Illuminae | Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff
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This was a lot of fun! It‘s been on my list for a few years, and this was the perfect readathon read. Chunky, fast-paced, unusual formatting - yes please! Going in I just knew that it was set in space in the future after an attack on a planet and that it featured teens. That was perfect and all you really need to know going in, IMO. Is it perfect? Absolutely not, but it was fun, and I‘m looking forward to book 2. Book 5 #DeweysOct2020 #readathon

Readerann 5 books! You rocked this RAT! Wasn‘t it nice to just ‘get away‘ for a bit? Crazy times. 😩Hope you and yours are all well. 4y
LauraBrook @Readerann Thanks, reading buddy! Yes, it was very nice to get away - no political ads! - and escape the daily grind for a bit. Everyone here is moseying along, I hope everyone in your world is doing well! 4y
CabinDreaming Thanks for posting this. It happened to be available through my library on audio so I snagged it as I was struggling to find my next read. Halfway through I also borrowed the ebook just to see the formatting and by the end was following along while I listened as I enjoyed the full cast on audio but the formatting was so cool too. Normally not a sci-fi person but plan to check out #2! 4y
LauraBrook @CabinDreaming Oh, I‘m so happy so enjoyed this! I might have to follow your lead and do both the audio and physical version at the same time. I‘m not a huge sci-fi person either, but this was interesting and fun! Hope you enjoy book 2 too! 4y
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This poster hits a little different in 2020.

Libby1 😧 4y
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An unusual graphic memoir about creativity, what it means to be a person, how stories shape our lives and futures... there is a lot in this book. It feels a little Debbie Downer in a way, but a good way. It‘s made me think about my childhood and how my imagination and family stories have shaped me. Interesting and unique! Book 4 for #DeweysOct2020 #readathon

Spectacle Vol. 2 | Megan Rose Gedris
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Even better than the first, which I really enjoyed. This picks up where book 1 ends. Anna is still investigating the murder of her sister Kat, and Kat tries to help her do the same, but also is still protecting Anna from the awful truth about their childhood and how they ended up in the circus. When more “normies” start to turn into “freaks” rapidly, Anna knows something more is going on. A devil has been seen, but is that what‘s really happening?

LauraBrook This was great, and I can‘t wait for volume 3 to see what happens next. Book three finished for #DeweysOct2020 #readathon 4y
Bookgoil I read volume 3 recently love this series! ❤️ 4y
LauraBrook @Bookgoil Awesome! You‘re the first person I know who has even heard of this series, let alone read it. Can‘t wait to get my hands on a copy! 4y
Bookgoil @LauraBrook random find at my library honestly my library gets some awesome graphic novels! 4y
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A cute start to the series, and while I realize that I‘m not the target demographic here, it seemed a little oddly childish at times. Enola Holmes, Sherlock and Mycroft‘s teen sister, decides to investigate the mysterious disappearance of their mother. While she‘s searching for clues re: Momma, she comes across a missing young Marquess and helps him out while trying to keep out of big bro‘s ways. 3 stars, will read the rest of the series.

LauraBrook My second book for #DeweysOct2020 #readathon 4y
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Beard in Mind | Penny Reid
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I liked this one, but i can‘t see it being one of my favorites in the series. Getting to know both Beau and Shelly was nice, but all of the revelations about the Winston family were what really propelled me into the book. I‘ll be starting the 5th one shortly.
Book 1 of #DeweysOct2020 #readathon

Readerann That looks like a fun, light read. My stack is pretty dark - don‘t know what I was thinking! 😩 4y
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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When you‘re ready to start reading before the sun is up. Let‘s get it started, Dewey‘s!
(I might need all the coffee today to stay awake.)

Readerann So happy you‘re here, friend! 4y
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I started this late last night just to try it, see if maybe I‘d return it to the library unread, and now I‘m over 100 pages in. While I don‘t have some of the same symptoms/issues that Sarah does, I can‘t remember ever feeling more seen by a non fiction book before. If you‘re a lady and you‘ve had illnesses that ultimately result in doctors telling you it‘s all in your head and throwing antidepressants at you, read this book. You are not alone!

pareads I added this to my TBR! You see this too often in medicine with health care providers that don‘t really listen to you. Glad you are enjoying it so far 😊 4y
LauraBrook @pareads It‘s so true! It‘s unfortunate that insurance in this country only allows a 15 minute maximum appointment time, along with about a thousand other things, but yes, ultimately health care providers don‘t really provide any health care. Makes me mad, but it‘s refreshing to see someone going through the same steps I have and ending up at roughly the same place so far. I hope you like this one if you read it! 4y
MaryM This books sounds very intriguing. I‘ve added to my tbr. Thanks! 4y
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Women Talking: A Novel | Miriam Toews
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Right between a pick and a so-so for me. I liked the insular community and short timeline for this book, and I liked the storyline as well, horrifying and upsetting as it was. But I didn‘t totally love it and can‘t put my finger on why. Enjoyed the writing, though, and will be looking at more of the authors work in the near future. 3.5 stars

Melkyl I get what you are saying about how there is just something not there. I was excited and felt like I would love this book, but it ended up being a DNF for me. I was just not into it at all. 4y
LauraBrook @Melwilk I totally get how you DNFd it. In the last couple of years I‘ve read a few books set in and around Mennonite communities and they hold a kind of sick fascination with me, so I was bound to finish it regardless. Plus I read it for a book prize so had to finish it no matter my enjoyment. Hope you‘re reading something fantastic at the mo! 4y
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Lanny: A Novel | Max Porter
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I‘m working on this for the BookTube Prize semifinals, and it‘s not what I thought it would be. Not sure what my original thoughts were, per se, but I‘m thankful to have some reading time at work in between clients. 📚

Palimpsest I just finished this book this week. I expected something different from the folk tale aspect. I had mixed feelings on this one and was a bit disappointed, but preferred the first half. Also, I‘m from S.E. Wisconsin too. Hello! 👋 4y
LauraBrook @Palimpsest Hello fellow Cheesehead! I‘m almost at the second half and based on what I‘ve read so far I have no idea where it could be going. Did you get through the storms last night? (edited) 4y
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How Many Is Too Many...? | Nicole K. Thompson
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Real talk, this stack/pile on top of the bookcase consists of all of the books that I‘m part-way through. (The row behind is full.) It‘s overwhelming & honestly a little shameful. My inability to make any real progress on any of them is partly to blame for me not posting.
I could use some advice on what to do. Just reshelve them all? Work on the ones I‘m furthest into and work backwards? Light them all on fire and walk away? Help! Please!

StellaDz 😮😮 whenever this happens to me, I find reading the lighter reads (romance etc) goes so much quicker and their simplicity acts as a cleanser of my brain so I can pick up the heavier ones!! Good luck!! 🙌🙌 (edited) 4y
MsMelissa I‘d reshelve any that you‘re not far into and try again another day. For those that you have read a significant portion of I recommend starting with the one closest to being finished and go from there. 4y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag Reshelve or donate them - maybe they are not what you need right now (& that‘s very ok) (edited) 4y
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LeahBergen I‘d get rid of/donate a bunch (they‘re obviously not working for you). Reshelve the ones you were really enjoying and then pick something completely new to start. After you get your mojo back, vow to only have 3 or 4 books on the go and don‘t start anything else until you‘ve finished one. How‘s this for a theory? 😆😆 4y
Bookzombie I have a number of books started now too. Some I suspended and will come back to. I think if you aren‘t very far in you should re-shelve those for another time. Sometimes I set the timer on my phone for an hour and don‘t let myself do anything but read. It kind of forces me to reconnect with reading. But most importantly don‘t be hard on yourself. Your stack of started books is not shameful. 💗🧁 4y
Bookzombie Also, I can‘t see all the titles but maybe devote some time to the Lisa Kleypas. I find sometimes romance is great way to get back to reading. 💗 4y
LauraBrook @StellaDz That‘s what I try to do too, but for some reason my brain won‘t stick to reading that much lately. So frustrating! 4y
LauraBrook @Book_Fiend_Melissa I shelved most of the unstarted ones and it sadly didn‘t make too much of a dent! I need to just sit and make myself read one book for at least a half hour and see how it goes. Maybe some can get reshelved or donated after that? Argh! 4y
LauraBrook @thegirlwiththelibrarybag I need to be better about donating unread books, I hang on to everything just in case it‘s the perfect book for me. Hence, the problem I have now! 🤦🏻‍♀️ 4y
LauraBrook @LeahBergen your theory makes too much sense, I don‘t know if I can do it! 😉 I do the best with reading 6 or fewer books at a time, and this massive amount has been creeping up for a few months now. Seeing it all together made me realize just how out of hand it‘s gotten. Really I need to devote a little time to picking up each one and reviewing it, and be willing to let some go unread. Oof. I‘m overdue for a cull - maybe now‘s the time. 💖 4y
LauraBrook @Bookzombie Thank you for your kind words - I have shame around some strange stuff like this, and need to work on it. How have I not used my phone timer for that purpose earlier?!? I seem to only use it for long readathons, which is crazy. I‘ll pick up the Kleypas tonight and see how far I get in an hour. I seem to recall getting to where I‘m at in about that time, so hopefully I can just keep rolling and finish it up. ❤️ 4y
EvieBee Not sure what you decided to do but I constantly chuck it all and start fresh. Sometimes I put too high expectations on myself in the reading department. I even take out the bookmark because when I do eventually come back to books I don‘t remember a thing lol! Miss ya! (edited) 2y
LauraBrook @EvieBee I ended up reading about 1/3, got rid of another 1/3, and the rest are still sitting there. 🤦🏻‍♀️ It‘s some progress, though, so I‘ll take it. 2y
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Here are two more spin-offs of Sense & Sensibility, @sprainedbrain !

sprainedbrain These are very interesting!! 4y
LeahBergen Ooo! 4y
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A Million Junes | Emily Henry
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Hosted by @Andrew65 , I‘m eager to start another readathon! I‘m hoping to read 5 books and 2,000 pages. Fingers crossed I can do more than that, but at least it‘ll be something to work toward. Lord knows I have enough to choose from!

Andrew65 Thanks for reposting and great to have you with us. 😍 Great goals, good luck with them. 4y
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Really enjoying my morning spent with Flavia. I‘ve missed her.

robinb I need to FINALLY get to this series! I‘ve heard nothing but good things about it. 😊 4y
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Home Before Dark | Riley Sager, Todd Ritter
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Got my #botm delivered today! Thank you, USPS! This will be my first Sager. I know they‘re all standalones, but do you think this is an okay place to start with his work?

rather_be_reading definitely okay to start with this one! 4y
The_Heeler_Booklife Enjoy! His books are amazing! 4y
Megabooks I feel his books are just getting better, so yeah!! 4y
LauraBrook @rather_be_reading @The_Heeler_Booklife @Megabooks Phew, I‘m relieved! Thanks, ladies! 😘😘😘 4y
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Another fun, easy read in this cozy mystery series set in Ireland. In this one, pub owner Maura finds a body floating in the ravine behind Sullivan‘s, and since her business is down seemingly bc of it she decides to do her usual amateur sleuthing. It‘s always nice to see the usuals and the gardai in Leap, and I like that while it‘s formulaic no one treats anyone like they‘re stupid, and every person regardless of age has something to offer.

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Started this one last night, and am hoping to finish it today as my “read one library book cover to cover” goal for the #CYOReadathon this weekend. It‘s pretty nice out so I might actually *gasp* read outside?!?!!!