My husband spotted this beauty on the bottom shelf of the bookstore yesterday, and we had to have it.
My husband spotted this beauty on the bottom shelf of the bookstore yesterday, and we had to have it.
Bit of a #haul Some books on my wishlist dropped in price so I hit up my Christmas vouchers. Conan Doyle for the Defence was only Qb!
The images of old maps were beautiful and fascinating. The stories behind how the phantom places were “discovered” (and “undiscovered”) got to be repetitive by the end, but overall it was an enjoyable journey and interesting history lesson. (And yes, I used the same photo with different filters in my reviews for this and the other map book. I have no idea why I only took one picture before returning the books!)
Tagged kindle book on sale right now from these sources (thanks to my notification from BookBub). I have the hardback copy. If you love love love maps, this book is for you!!
Look at these gorgeous (but fictitious) maps, a tiny fraction of those in this book.
My early review copy from LibraryThing arrived today!
I just got the news I‘m an early reviewer for this book for LibraryThing. Doesn‘t it look awesome?!?! If you haven‘t started getting involved in LibraryThing it‘s time to do so. I‘ve put my name in for books for the last two months (against several 100s of others who put in their names too) and received books both times. I think they really take note of whether you post reviews so be sure to do that.