I can't possibly finish this, it reads like a Harlequin novel with an extremely unsympathetic and improbable heroine. 😤
I can't possibly finish this, it reads like a Harlequin novel with an extremely unsympathetic and improbable heroine. 😤
After "puppy class" (where ours was undoubtably the most popular puppy that had everyone go "omg what IS that?!") out in the dark and cold of Norway I really want to dig into this. Except the wine is too cold from being in the cellar so I need to be patient ?
Taking the 6 am train to the airport to go to Stockholm for work 😴Started reading the same book as @mhillis (only in translation) for some #russian #languagelearning
Yes! I've been keeping up my bookish resolution to read this book every day. #languagelearning #currentlyreading
@tricours had a great idea to tag reading and language learning posts! I'll be reading A Certain Woman in Japanese this month (and using the dictionary A LOT) #languagelearning