Mm, delicious pesto. And dragon slaying! The first time I tried to read this, I couldn't get into it. But I know lots of people who love it, so trying again.
Mm, delicious pesto. And dragon slaying! The first time I tried to read this, I couldn't get into it. But I know lots of people who love it, so trying again.
For a book with dragons, this had a few surprises like no magic & normal teens with homework to do. Set in a Canada very much like our modern, normal version—the one diff being dragons exist worldwide, are attracted to fossil fuel, and the danger is very real. Siobhan is dragonslayer Owen's bard - to help spread the word & change perceptions. Her narration is great and her musical talent peeks through. No angsty romance, plenty of action. 👍
Ok, from the Owen sisters in Practical Magic, I am now jumping back to this story of a boy named Owen.
Who is a dragonslayer.
In a world very much like ours - only diff is a constant worry of dragon attacks - dragons who love munching on fossil fuel. So just being near a car holds exciting new dangers. Set in Canada!
Next up in my pursuit of tackling the #sirensreadingchallenge...
My current read, naked without it's jacket. And for a dragon book, of course there is a french horn hiding underneath.
"Let me get this straight," I said, having swallowed. "You are sending me out in a minivan whose date of manufacture predates the year of my birth, so that I can watch two dragon slayers track down enormous fire-breathing animals, in an effort to prevent me from spending time in the library?"
Re-reading since I love this book so much, and I deserve to start my summer break in an awesome way :)
You should definitely go out and get these books! Modern day dragon slayers? What's not to love??