Well! I didn‘t know about independent bookstore day. Yet I found myself at one. I guess I am just *really* good at finding ways to procrastinate during finals time. ✨
Well! I didn‘t know about independent bookstore day. Yet I found myself at one. I guess I am just *really* good at finding ways to procrastinate during finals time. ✨
It‘s always fun to buy used books and see what other people took notes on #nationalpoetrymonth 😂
For I made their flesh as a sieve #nationalpoetrymonth
Not the best of pictures, I know, but I just finished my second Anne Carson collection of poetry, and it really came at quite the time. I've had quite a hectic week, and to sit down with these beautiful, thought-provoking, haunting poems on a few rainy days definitely cheered me up.
I am still asking the same question Anne Carson is asking in The Glass Essay.