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Joined March 2018

Student. I love poetry, a good gothic novel or mystery, books about writing, books about reading & art (& anything else that catches my eye!) ✨
Fifth Business | Robertson Davies
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Yikes, I‘m terrible at social media-ing! But I just finished Fifth Business tonight & enjoyed it tremendously and am v excited to read the next book in the series. Anyone have any other Robertson Davies recommendations?

Andronicus I love the works of Robertson Davies, both fiction and non-fiction. The Cornish Trilogy is also excellent - especially The Rebel Angels. The Salterton Trilogy is more of a rambling affair but still pleasant, clever writing. The Papers Of Samuel Marchbanks is a favorite but it's probably best for inveterate readers and fans of Mr. Davies. 6y
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I thoroughly enjoyed this book as well as Pessl‘s Night Film. She brings mixed media into her writing in a way that is novel and not heavy handed. (Also, her writing is gorgeous— so much unexpected & vibrant imagery!) This one reminded me of The Secret, a little bit and it was compelling to move through even before it delves into the mysterious aspects of the story. The last chapter disappointed a smidge, but it was a v enjoyable read regardless.

The Talented Mr. Ripley | Patricia Highsmith
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My Sunday! Hanging out with these two & a stack of books. I listened to Strangers on a Train last week and couldn‘t believe how much more complex the plot is than in the movie! I‘m on a total Patricia Highsmith kick now.

SledgeReader ❤️your reading buddies!! 6y
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A Key to Treehouse Living is a magical, often humorous, insightful and beautiful book. I loved the play on reference text & that it didn‘t impede movement through narrative. Something that could have been gimmicky instead felt genuine, full of heart & curiosity. It took a couple tries for me to get into it & there are some aspects which gave me pause to fully endorsing it, but at the end I‘m left with fuzzy feelings & a desire to share this story.

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My Friend Dahmer | Derf Backderf
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Oops! I have been MIA. In that time I have sea shored & woodsed, I have held my tiny baby nephew with joy, many books have been read & I am working on a few more. Yesterday I started & finished My Friend Dahmer. It was good and sad and a little funny too. What a thing, our strange encounters in the world & with hurt & what hurt can do. Hi everyone.

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When you forget to pay attention to the cat for three whole pages!

“Men, women, children, and horses have all been vaporized by lightening while in the act of eating jelly beans in fields on Easter.”

wanderinglynn What a cutie! ❤️🐱 6y
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I am in the utter hell-depths of finals stuff right now, but I received my copy of A Key to Treehouse Living and I‘m dying to check it out! It‘ll be a good post-semester treat! My carrot-on-a-stick.

Thank you @Tin_House ! ✨

Glass, Irony, and God | Anne Carson
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Well! I didn‘t know about independent bookstore day. Yet I found myself at one. I guess I am just *really* good at finding ways to procrastinate during finals time. ✨

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Oops. I‘ve been listening to Frankenstein a little bit to prepare my brain for reading it, but the edition I‘ve been listening to presents an entirely different backstory for Elizabeth than the assigned 😳

Graywacke Listening to 1831 edition? 6y
Autumnlong @Graywacke yes! I should have been more careful. But oh well, back to the book! 🧐 6y
Graywacke I got an always-available audio from my library - with no edition info. It was the 1831. That was not ideal, because I know the 1817 is darker and more what MS wanted. But I was only listening for fun. Sorry!! 6y
Graywacke I should add, the 1831 has an expanded opening section - which was my favorite part of the book. So, you now got some of that. And you‘re better rounded now. 🙂 6y
Autumnlong @Graywacke yes! I did the same thing. I‘d like to read (or listen!) to both, just not at the same time at the risk of conflating details! 6y
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Oh my gosh the end of the semester and my sister being v pregnant has been quite consuming this past week! I just wanted to say hello though I haven‘t got anything especially bookish to say. Although after collecting six copies of Frankenstein accidentally, I am finally reading it for class!

In other news this is an armadillo appliqué that I sewed on to this sweater last night and I‘m very fond of him.

Redwritinghood Very cute! 6y
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For the record though, Onion is a great guy and excellent homework buddy.

Swe_Eva Aaargh, I remember working my way through that book when I was at Uni! It‘s vast. 😁 6y
Autumnlong @Swe_Eva it certainly is 😳 it has me sold on norton editions though! It really is very good 6y
Swe_Eva @Autumnlong They are brilliant - you get SO much book in each book. Albeit in a tiny font and pages the thickness of a dragonfly's wings. 😉 6y
Autumnlong @Swe_Eva bahaha! True! These are incredibly dangerous to read in the bath 6y
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A friend of mine came up with an idea of a magical world in which Pandora, my deceased cat/soul mate, is a ring leader of sorts. A bringer together of lost spirits, a comfort and friend to many who need her. Last night I did this little illustration of her offering admittance into her world.

So, should I drop out of school and become an author and illustrator yet? 😂

... just kidding. I love school.

wanderinglynn Very cool! Don‘t drop out of school, but definitely follow your passion. This is really good! 👏🏻😀 6y
Swe_Eva Love it! 💜 6y
Graywacke It‘s a lovely illustration! 6y
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Redwritinghood I think you would do great as an illustrator. Although, as an old lady/mom type, I would also tell you to stay in school. 😉 6y
Autumnlong @Redwritinghood thank you! I am a ~returning~ student, so really, I kid. It took too much work to get back in to let it go! But the last month of the semester might be wearing me down a bit! 😂 6y
RohitSawant Terrific! 6y
Centique Gosh you‘ve done some beautiful art - this and those party favours! 😍😍 You‘re very talented! 6y
Autumnlong @Centique thank you! 💖 6y
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Jeez Louise. This book. It is very powerful in its personal moments and very eerie in its eerie moments!

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Island | Aldous Huxley
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I have been cycling through audiobooks and nothing has been sticking for the past week or so. But I‘m enjoying Island so far as I work on these favors for my sister‘s baby shower with the windows wiiiide open.

wanderinglynn Those are beautiful! So creative! 👏🏻 6y
Autumnlong @wanderinglynn thank you! 😘💕 6y
Redwritinghood Those are lovely. 6y
RohitSawant Terrifically done! 6y
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When you go to the library to find a journal that contains an article that may be useful for your research purposes but u accidentally borrow four poetry books instead

Gullivers Travels | Johnathan Swift
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Another book art ‘cause I‘m still knee deep in endangered language text books and eighteenth century databases 💕

Ps. I don‘t think the version of Gulliver‘s Travels that I was familiar with as a kid featured his particular method for putting out the fire in the royal chambers 😳

RohitSawant Love how detailed this is! 6y
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As I‘ve had no time for reading reading & am on a strictly work and audiobook diet I would like to share some book related art I made a few months ago 💕 I hope everyone is well & having a happy Friday!

wanderinglynn ❤️ Fantastic! 👏🏻 Thank you for sharing your art! 6y
RohitSawant That's terrific! 😍👏🏼 6y
RaimeyGallant So lovely! 6y
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I haven‘t done anything but homework for three days but Onion is here to ... help!

RohitSawant 😻 6y
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Truly Madly Guilty | Liane Moriarty
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Thanks to y‘all here on Litsy, I have finally discovered the miracle that is Libby— crazy as I am an audiobook fiend. I listened to Big Little Lies last summer & thought it was v funny and I am glad to be graced with this treat as I trudge through this last month of the semester! So many endearing lil character quirks woven into Moriarty‘s work. They feel like guilty pleasures, but that‘s just some internalized snootiness I suspect!

Untitled | Unknown
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I would like to disclose a bit of personal info, which i hope isn‘t totally misplaced.

I recently, under very odd circumstances, lost my job at my favorite place. A place that has been a home to me & where I have felt I am a part of my community in ways I never did before.

I am grieving this loss, the loss of friends &fellow book people.

I came here seeking a bit of what I‘ve lost. Thanks to everyone who has been so welcoming this past week 💕

Emilymdxn I‘m so sorry to hear this has happened to you 💖 I hope you find some of the support and distraction you deserve here, I joined litsy when my mental health was awful and even tho it‘s obviously not the solution to anybody‘s problems in and of itself, it‘s a lovely community for validation, support and escape. I appreciated you being here and wish you well 💖 6y
megt I‘m so sorry to hear this. 💕 6y
wanderinglynn ”May your troubles be less and your blessing be more and nothing but happiness come through your door.” (An Irish blessing) I hope you find what you need & I hope your spirits will be lifted. ❤️🌈🍀 6y
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cobwebmoth Sending positive thoughts and hugs! 6y
MicheleinPhilly 😕Change like that is never easy. Rest assured though, you have found your people here. Also, are you local? There is a terrific group of Philly folks here and we are planning on a meet up this summer. Last summer‘s meet up was epic. ☺️ 6y
Autumnlong @Emilymdxn thank you so much! 💕 it seems very nice so far and I‘m glad to have found it! 6y
Autumnlong @megt thank you 💕 6y
Autumnlong @wanderinglynn that‘s really nice! Thank you so much 💕 6y
Autumnlong @cobwebmoth thank you! 💕 6y
Autumnlong @MicheleinPhilly I am! I‘d love to hear more about that. Thank you for the kind words! 6y
MicheleinPhilly I‘m not sure when exactly it will take place this year but I will definitely be sure to tag you when the planning gets under way. ☺️ Hey @Cinfhen, we have another to add to the #phillycrew! 6y
CindyMyLifeIsLit So sorry to hear that! My daughter works at Barnes & Noble and they recently did a big layoff. The stories of the ones they let go were heartbreaking—so many of them were the most dedicated and loyal employees there. Lots of book people losing their jobs. 😢. I hope you find something else even better soon! 6y
Cinfhen Thanks for tagging me @MicheleinPhilly I‘m so sorry for your situation @Autumnlong ☹️hopefully Litsy will begin to fill some of your void. The #phillycrew is awesome I‘m tagging a few more you might connect with @ValerieAndBooks @DivineDiana @Captivatedbybooks @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Librarybelle (edited) 6y
batsy I'm sorry to hear this. I hope things get better & that new possibilities open up for you ❤️ (Litsy is kind of my refuge from the stress of real life. I love it here.) 6y
Eyelit 💚 6y
Autumnlong @Cinfhen thank you so much! I really appreciate this 💖 6y
Autumnlong @batsy I am not on social media elsewhere so posting this felt a little scary, but everyone has been so kind. It really has been such a nice thing. Thank you 💖 6y
Autumnlong @CindyMyLifeIsLit I‘m sure! It‘s so sad when you have a place you love. And I lucked out to be at one of those rare spots that isn‘t corporate. I‘m glad your daughter still has her job! But it is really a shame that we live in a world where employers often don‘t see the importance of truly caring and dedicated employees! 6y
Librarybelle So sorry to hear this, @Autumnlong . May you find some solace and connection in this community. And thank you, @Cinfhen , for tagging me. Hopefully we‘ll get to meet at the next Philly meet up! 6y
Autumnlong @Librarybelle you guys have been so lovely thank you!! 💕 6y
Centique Oh that is so sad! A good workplace can feel like family and it‘s especially hard when you didn‘t choose to leave 😔 Give yourself time to grieve for it and lots of self care and I hope you find comfort here 💕💕 6y
Autumnlong @Centique thank you so much! 💖 I really appreciate the kindness 6y
TieDyeDude Sorry to hear about your troubles. I got laid off as a manager from the local public library system after 15 months because of a technicality with my college degree; nothing to do with my work performance. Demoralizing to my staff and devistated me. I hope things are looking up for you. 6y
Autumnlong @GoodForCirculation I‘m really sorry to hear that. It is especially hurtful when book jobs are not so easy to come by! Of course I hope for myself and for you and for anyone else who experiences this kind of issue at a job that in the future we all have employers who are more invested in protecting good staff. 6y
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I hope everyone is having a nice holiday or regular ‘ol Sunday!

This book by Hannah Gamble is beautiful and good and I like it more every time I read it.

The Eclogues and the Georgics of Virgil | Virgil, David R. Slavitt
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I am drowning in school work today and I‘d really like to just curl up and read something fun. Perhaps like this version of the Ecologues and Georgics, which is so beautiful when I can get past it being called a translation.

“If his yowl/ demands the whole world, who is to say/ he has not the right?”

#poetry #poem #virgilbutnot

Emilymdxn What adaptation is this?? I love it (edited) 6y
Autumnlong @Emilymdxn it‘s David Slavitt. Parts of it are like this and they stay truer to the ideas in the original text. It loses me a bit when he directly addresses Virgil and does the whole metapoetic thing, but still! Lots of it is gorgeous 6y
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Lost Boy | Christina Henry
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Tbh I got almost none of my intended work done today (but significantly more walking & cleaning!) because I couldn‘t stop listening to this book. This is not my genre & I didn‘t have high expectations. But, honestly this one blew me away. Jamie is such a compelling, believable, likable narrator. I wanted so much for things to work out for him, knowing that they couldn‘t just by the nature of the premise. Ah. I loved this & v much recommended it.

CindyMyLifeIsLit You might want to check out The Child Thief by Brom—a dark and absolutely wonderful reimagining of Peter Pan. I‘m not much for redoing already told tales, but this—this one is amazing! 6y
Autumnlong @CindyMyLifeIsLit thank you! I was skeptical going in to this, but after hearing it I would be very interested in checking out another. I‘m absolutely going to keep an eye out!👀 6y
DGRachel I wanted a different ending for Jamie, too. 😭😭 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Just did a lil four mile walk & am settling in to do a bit of school work at the public library maps room🌏🌿

Lost Boy | Christina Henry
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I wasn‘t sure about this one when I picked it up on an Audible daily deal, but I‘ve really enjoyed it so far! Has anyone read her Alice books? I‘m always a bit skeptical about a retelling or reimagining type story, but Lost Boy is so compelling! 🐊

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Magpie Murders | Anthony Horowitz
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Ahhh. It turns out Onion would rather *not* have a book propped against his lil bod.

RohitSawant 😻😻 6y
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A touch of Blake in the morning.

Untitled | Unknown
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Any suggestions for a next read? I just have a couple chapters left in The Minotaur. My piles are out of control. I like to keep it light-ish during the school term so it‘s probably not the time for Hard Laughter!🤔

#ruthrendell #annelamott #anthonyhorowitz #asbyatt #dustinlong

mcipher I‘ve heard The Magpie Murders is good! I love Anne Lamott, too. ☺️ 6y
Autumnlong @mcipher I‘ve only read (well, most of!) Bird by Bird. Do you have a favorite of her novels? 6y
mcipher I‘ve read more of her non-fiction but I remember really liking 6y
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Autumnlong @mcipher thanks! I‘ll keep an eye out for it 👀💕 6y
mcipher 👍 Which did you end up picking to read next? 6y
Autumnlong @mcipher I‘m going with Magpie Murders. Such an appealing cover. Unfortunately too big for my backpack though, so a slow start! 6y
mcipher Let me know how it is! It‘s on my list. 6y
jdenslow I chose Hard Laughter as my very first pick for our book club and 10 years later they won't let me forget how much everyone hated it. Except me. I liked it, but admittedly, there is a lot of Anee Lamott in the main character, so if you've read her nonfiction you have an idea of where this is going. 6y
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The Minotaur | Barbara Vine
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Ruth Rendell‘s character building is honestly a little bit astonishing. I want to live in her pseudo-gothic novels. For some reason I‘ve torn through a handful of her books, but I creep through this one. I think I just don‘t want to come to the conclusion!

RaimeyGallant Fantastic review. :) And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. 6y
MrBook Welcome to the #LitsyFamily, @Autumnlong 😁👏🏻!!! This is the best, most positive community you'll find online. 6y
tpixie Welcome!! 6y
Autumnlong @tpixie 🤗 hi! Thank you 6y
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