The second book in The Rat series has a bit of a plot. The main character goes searching for a rare pinball machine. Otherwise, it‘s more of the same as Wind. Not bad, but another you can skip in the series.
The second book in The Rat series has a bit of a plot. The main character goes searching for a rare pinball machine. Otherwise, it‘s more of the same as Wind. Not bad, but another you can skip in the series.
Sequel to Hear the Wind Sing-the MC and his friend Rat muddle through college years, unable to form meaningful relationships but not willing to examine why. With great clarity, I recall my years of 1969-1973, starting college, feeling hopelessly adrift, and questioning my purpose; while simultaneously unwilling to examine my behaviors and values...
The first two books of Murakami already promising and just had me til the last page.
Seine ersten beiden Bücher lassen schon erahnen, was für gute Geschichten von Murakami kommen werden und sein Vorwort fand ich klasse. Definitiv lesenswert!
#harukimurakami #wennderwindsingt #pinball1973 #gelesen #read
‚In der Bahn sagte ich mir immer wieder: „Alles ist vorbei, vergiss es. Deshalb bist du doch hergekommen.“ Aber ich konnte nicht vergessen. Nicht, dass ich Naoko liebte. Und nicht, dass sie tot war. Gar nichts war vorbei.‘
#harukimurakami #reading #read #quotes #lesen
Have a great week everyone!?
Week beginning: Monday 24th April 2017?
"Happiness is a warm friendship." ~ Pinball, 1973 by Haruki Murakami?
It's hard to read when the sky is this blue! ☀️ I'm not transfixed by this one, but love Murakami and this lovely, small edition of his early work.