One of the few books where I managed not to kill a fairy (heh). This book has it all: teen angst, mysterious happenings, strong female voices, high stakes, and kissing. Lots and lots of kissing. #loveozya
One of the few books where I managed not to kill a fairy (heh). This book has it all: teen angst, mysterious happenings, strong female voices, high stakes, and kissing. Lots and lots of kissing. #loveozya
Now that 2018 has arrived, the SFF community is gearing up for the 2017 awards season. To assist with the nominating process, I thought I'd share a list of works I've reviewed that are eligible.
Check out the list at http://earlgreyediting.com.au/2018/01/19/2017-awards-eligibility/
VALENTINE by Jodi McAlister is a fresh and intelligent take on YA urban fantasy. If you were loved Holly Black's TITHE, are a fan of the enemies-to-lovers trope or are keen to see an Australian spin on YA fantasy, this is the book for you.
Full review at
2017 is now half over and I have met my initial annual reading goal of 100 books. I've decided to go ahead and set a new target. Without the Aurealis Awards to spur me on, my reading pace has slowed, so I think 200 books isn't realistic. However, 150 books should be achievable.
For the full report and to take a peek at what I've been reading, you can visit:
Was not overly keen on this one.
Read more on my blog post: https://zanybibliophile.wordpress.com/2017/06/29/valentine/
Candle from Kozy Korner
I found that this book was good, not great. For majority of it I was left sitting there yelling at the pages "WTF is happening!?" It was a confusing and jumbled set up for this book series , but still had enough to keep me interested and find out what happens. Evil fairies + murder + extremely hot guy = ?
3 ⭐️
Books and Butterbings are the perfect combination!
Valentine by Jodi McAlister
#LoveOzYA #aww2017 #LitsyAtoZ #bookanddessert
When you're trying to study but your book is calling for you .... I'm sorry ! I wish I could just #DropEverythingAndRead but unfortunately I have an assignment due 😭
Chapter four, and it's still all "I'm so attracted to my bully, woe is me", and I'm getting right ticked off about this shithouse trope. Does it get better/ redeem itself soon?
The February book for #theyachronicles is Valentine by Jodi McAlister. It's a new Australian supernatural series and it involves people getting kidnapped if they were born on valentines day , how crazy does that sound ! Excited to pick it up #bookmail
Fresh voice in Australian YA paranormal romance. My longer review is here: https://trishtalkstexts.wordpress.com/2017/02/05/review-valentine-by-jodi-mcalis... Its snarky and full of pop cultural references, so of course it's funny. Released here on Jan 31. #penguinteenaus