You need garbage to make compost.
You need garbage to make compost.
The point is not your pain but your relationship to it. You can get attached to it to the point where you think it is you and allow it to define your whole life, or you can think it‘s special and you deserve extra points, or your self-esteem can be so low you think you deserve it. The problem is the attachment.
The body feels separate from the heart, the heart from the mind, and the mind from the body. Indeed, you often think one thing, feel another, and do a third, living in a state of perpetual contradiction. No wonder we‘re confused; no wonder we‘re in pain.
3/5⭐ This book is part memoir, part self-help using the medium of dance. I appreciate the author's emphasis on breaking free from society's negativity. The stories and reflections from her personal life are told authentically. There are far worse self-help books, but it's too drawn out for me to focus on all the content. After about the first third of it I skimmed just the exercises/prompts, many of which I've noted down to try. #roll100
#guiltypleasures iPod trance dancing is no bashful secret of mine by now. 😉 It's gotta be something groovy, for the Bionic funky chicken. Christina Aguilera's 'Birds of Prey' is a select song I discovered, during a YouTube browse of music; still favoured as my best dance tune. #marchintoreading #prisma
#queerbooks I really love Gabrielle Roth's dance archetypes, between gender and rhythm; each practice written as an open invitation to experience all expressive sides. - Emotional barriers are also addressed to heal. A hard one for me was some criticisms of ecstatic dance, as a "Don't harm yourself!" thing; somewhat why I use sandbag weights. Letting go of needless worries, and life's roles, is greatly therapeutic. #transbooks ?️???
#allthefeels Really the most motivational book I've read and deeply loved, on dance as a spiritual practice. I really love the archetypes and styles of Gabrielle Roth's '5Rhythms'. Highly recommended! #feistyfeb