#TallShipCelebration #TSC2019 #Lord
Not a land born title in this instance, but a distinction among the crew - The Pirate Lord, ruling over a ship of women!
#TallShipCelebration #TSC2019 #Lord
Not a land born title in this instance, but a distinction among the crew - The Pirate Lord, ruling over a ship of women!
#tallshipcelebration @CrowCAH #pirates I‘ve never read this book - I got it for a quarter at a thrift shop. I‘m not sure why I bought it- considering the cover and blurb on the back makes even my romantic heart laugh and roll its eyes. I have no idea if it‘s terrible but if I read it some day I‘ll let you all know 😛
#GetMovin #IBelieveInAThingCalledLove https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tKjZuykKY1I
I believe in a thing called love, so I read pirate romances! ☠️⚓️⚔️
This book is one of my favorites of Sabrina Jeffries books. Loved the characters and even the secondary characters are interesting to read. This is one book I have gone back to and re-read frequently.