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The Summer Hideaway
The Summer Hideaway | Susan Wiggs
4 posts | 5 read | 3 to read
Claire, hiding from a dangerous past, finds solace in working as a private nurse for the elderly George Bellamy, but when George's grandson, Ross, returns home from war, Claire struggles against the attraction she feels for him.
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The Summer Hideaway | Susan Wiggs
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Back in good old Germany - but only for the summer. Wait, what summer? 😂😜😂
What I do miss in Egypt is my favourite newspaper, so the first thing I do wherever and whenever I land somewhere in Europa is getting Die Zeit. Happened yesterday in Frankfurt/Main. 🤗🤗🤗

Cinfhen Lovely photo🧡welcome home 4y
MariaW @Cinfhen Thanks. 😊 4y
CarolynM 😍😍Enjoy being home. 4y
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TrishB That‘s a lovely garden view 😁 4y
julesG This looks lovely! Welcome to the German summer. This year with lots of Germans at home instead of in Egypt. 😁 Whereabouts in D are you? That lovely pink house in the back could be anywhere (except maybe Bavaria). 4y
CoffeeAndABook Willkommen daheim 😁 did you know DIE ZEIT has a really well made app for digital reading? It‘s obviously not the same as reading an actual paper but it‘s so well designed that it‘s really enjoyable on a tablet. And as for the weather - it will get better! They predicted another sunny warm summer ☀️🌸🍹 4y
MariaW @julesG I am in Thuringia, but will leave for Switzerland on Friday. Hopefully the weather will get better soon. 😂 4y
MariaW @CoffeeAndABook I need the printed version because I can‘t put it away. I tried the online version but somehow I can‘t keep track with it. 🙈 4y
MariaW @CarolynM and @TrishB Thanks. 🤗 4y
julesG My home "country". I'm from Thuringia - near the Rennsteig. Enjoy! 4y
Eggs What a beautiful view 👌🏼❤️👏🏻 4y
erzascarletbookgasm What a lovely garden. Enjoy! 💗 4y
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The Summer Hideaway | Susan Wiggs
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Table for Five wasn't in the Litsy database, so I opted for another title by the same author. Had summer in the name which I figured helps tie it to today's #AugustLibrary17 photo challenge. 😀

Therefore, without further ado...
One of my favorite things to have for a #SummerSnack is fresh watermelon. 🍉😋 This happens to be featured on the cover of this book that I read a few years back & absolutely loved. Hence the parallel. You're welcome. 😉

monkeygirlsmama Here's a link to the blurb on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006IIX09Q/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=... Basically a couple is killed in an accident and their children are left to be cared for by their new guardians who don't yet know each other. It's the story of how they work together to make the best life possible for the kids, and in turn find themselves drawn to one another as well. 7y
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Summer Hideaway | Susan Wiggs
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#sunshine #maybookflowers. Summer and sunshine seem synonymous 😀soup for lunch at our favourite neighbourhood restaurant 🐉

Jaimelire I love big bowls of soup! Hope it was good. 7y
Dragon Thanks @Jaimelire it was very good! 🍜 7y
Simona Nom, nom 😋😋😋😋 7y
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Purrfectpages Soup is my favorite! 7y
Dragon Thanks @Simona it was yummy 😋 @😀 🍜 7y
Dragon Thanks @Purrfectpages it's still a bit chilly here, cold winds etc. so soup really hits the spot 👍😀 7y
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The Summer Hideaway | Susan Wiggs
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Wet and rainy this morning, so I'm reading a book with Summer in the title from my library book pile. 📚 📖 🚂

PurpleyPumpkin That's a great idea! I should read a summer book too this month. Maybe then summer won't seem so far away. ☀️ 8y
Verity @PurpleyPumpkin I've only got a few weeks to go until I'm off on holiday to somewhere that should be a bit warmer! 8y
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