I‘ve spent my whole morning being awkward with strangers, but at least I got free books out of it. #txla18
I‘ve spent my whole morning being awkward with strangers, but at least I got free books out of it. #txla18
A dark look at how life could be in the south if global warming keeps up. The characters and real and flawed.
I'm wishy-washy on All the Wind in the World. There wasn't an even flow of contentment for me. It was lacking something overall, maybe passion or "oomph." I enjoyed the storyline but it didn't grab me, pull me in, envelope me and make me stay up at night. I often wondered what the point of the story was as I felt little suspense. It was unique, I will give it that, but not very "magical" or captivating.
I'm having a hard time finishing this one due to wrapping presents, Hallmark channel, and writing out cards for my card exchange groups.
Well, literary, cleaning, shopping and starting Christmas cards for my exchange groups. 😊🎄❤
After a devastating & prolonged drought, the West is terrible & beautiful & unforgiving. (Mabry‘s descriptions are fantastic.) Sarah & James must hide their love for each other, so someone doesn‘t use it against them, as they try to survive. I expected & wanted to like this book more than I did. It wasn‘t bad—parts of it were really good if not great. I just didn‘t totally love the story. It‘s well-written, however, & others might like it more.
The next book was long listed for the National Book Award. Needless to say, I‘m expecting a good read.
Finished this one a little while ago. I got this as an ARC. This was a quick, YA read that I enjoyed. Plot was a little predictable but it was still good and had a couple unforeseen twists to it. Overall I give it 3.5 ⭐️. Was definitely a nice and well needed change of pace.
Going to start on this one while I start a second cup of tea 😊
I'm in love with this cover. I put this on my TBR this month.
I had no clue what this book was about before I started reading it - which is rare for me! The story is set in the future, and two plantation workers Sarah and James (who are in love but hiding it) move from farm to farm harvesting crops. Most of the story takes place at the Real Marvelous ranch and this is where I began to realize this was a magic realism book! It was a beautiful read, strong prose, great characters, & of course marvelous magic.
I get a very 70s modern romance cover vibe with this book. I know somewhere in my moms old harlequins there is a book with a similar cover. That is NOT a dig. I like this cover. I think it will stand out from all the dark covers on YA shelves. #coverlove #YAedition
New Samantha Mabry in my hands and eyes. (!!!!) I loved A FIERCE AND SUBTLE POISON and can't wait for more magical realism.