Rainy days make me want to curl up with all the books I disliked reading in college. I guess appreciation for classics is something that comes with age ... or maybe wisdom? #thelovesongofjalfredprufrock #tselliot #poetry #quoteoftheday
Rainy days make me want to curl up with all the books I disliked reading in college. I guess appreciation for classics is something that comes with age ... or maybe wisdom? #thelovesongofjalfredprufrock #tselliot #poetry #quoteoftheday
The Book of Dust by Philip Pullman comes out on Oct. 19th 😮I have already preordered my copy and need to find someone with a time machine because I can't wait another minute for this book 😭
Love supporting my local library via their annual book sale! There are always a few hidden gems, like this signed first edition. My #TBR pile grew a few feet today... fingers crossed I don't find myself suddenly crushed one night.
Surrounding myself with bookish things is what helps me through the workday - especially on a gorgeous Friday! What about you, what helps you get to 5pm?
I had no clue what this book was about before I started reading it - which is rare for me! The story is set in the future, and two plantation workers Sarah and James (who are in love but hiding it) move from farm to farm harvesting crops. Most of the story takes place at the Real Marvelous ranch and this is where I began to realize this was a magic realism book! It was a beautiful read, strong prose, great characters, & of course marvelous magic.
The cover sold me on this one ... but the story didn't. It follows a boy on the 1960's who goes to live with his diplomat father in Europe. He grows bored of privilege and finds himself in a pick-pocketing-gang. A pick pocket gang that targets the privileged. The story is fun, but I feel like I've read this exact story before. The ARC had some gorgeous drawings though, & the writing/characters are strong. Overall - you'll know if this is for you.
Okay, I was very surprised when I turned this book over and noticed a very familiar face! I liked Jason Segel as a screenwriter, so I had high hopes for this one. This is book one of a planned trilogy, and it sets the story up nicely. I didn't fully connect with some of the characters, but the story is set within the world of Virtual Reality - so maybe that makes sense! Overall, fun read and excited to see where it goes!
My #signedsunday addition - the one year anniversary gift from my boyfriend that made me sob like a baby 😍😭😍
He's had 9,995 tries to get to perfection, and now he's only got 5 more chances. This is the story of Milo, the love of his life Death (aka: Suzie), and Milo's many lives. This book was creative, funny, and made me wish that Death and Milo could find a place for their love. Stories are in arcs, and you find yourself very quickly reading more pages than you plan to.
Dear Litsy,
I am so sad I haven't posted in such a long time! I changed jobs, changed cities, and before I knew it ... I hadn't posted in over a month! 😮 But I promise I'm back, and ready to read. May be a slower start as I'm still unpacking and finding places for everything in the new place, but I will post more soon!
💜❤️💜 Morgan
Bookmail! This ARC came in a box with black paper, and had a wrapper on it to make it look like an old leather journal. Very creepy! There was also a letter on worn parchment that 100% set the stage for this story. Three sisters become two, and the investigation into the mysterious death of one sister could have dark and dangerous consequences for the other two. 🕯🔮🗝🚪📜This looks like one fun read!
Hairy Pawter (my dog Layla 😂) is wishing everyone a very happy #HarryPotter20 . Loved every minute of the past twenty years, can't wait to see what's in store for the next twenty.
Monday started off with me getting mailed two identical packages - filled with identical books 😂
The world of #TheList is confined to a select amount of words. Only the Wordsmith can collect and archive and manage words beyond the approved lexicon. When Letta, the newest Wordsmith, uncovers a plot to suppress people through the limitations of language it sets in motion a chain of events of dystopic proportions. This book goes on-sale in August, but I had a little fun decorating my galley copy with some "edited" dictionary pages. @sourcebooks
I ended up with a few extra galley copies of this charming looking romance! If you want one, send me an email to bookreader1689@yahoo.com by noon EST on 6/13/17 and I'll draw three random people from those that send me an email. I'll pay for shipping, just need to clear some space on my shelves and while this book looks adorable - I don't have room for the several copies the publisher sent my way!
"You have been with me from the very first life. You are my first memory every time, the single thread in all my lives. It's you who makes me a person."
I LOVED this book, but hated the ending. And as someone who grew up in Virginia, I really didn't like that she referred to a "Virginia Twang" in relation to speech. Virginians 99.999% of the time based on the cities mentioned in her book DO NOT HAVE A SOUTHERN ACCENT ???. The story itself is sweet, and gut-wrenching. A soul keeps coming back desperate to finally connect with it's soulmate, or so he believes. Awesome plot, and well told.
The first chapter of The Book of Dust is online, and it's time for a Pullman read-along as we wait for the full book to be published! I am beyond excited and tearing into my well read copy of The Golden Compass.
I am a HUGE Hamilton fan, so I can't wait to read this book! The musical ends with Eliza, and this story is all about her. Comes out in October, but I snagged a copy at BookExpo. (The well-loved planner, and postcards came from Redbubble.com/people/Yabamena - she has some killer, creative, nerdy art that I want to own every piece of!)
More #BookExpo / #BookCon swag ❤️😍❤️ came with rose soap and a chocolate rose, so in love with this packaging, and I cannot wait to read this thriller! #meetthegirlfriend
Next on the TBR pile fresh from #bookexpo is GOOD ME BAD ME by Ali Land.
The tagline sold me: "Annie's mother is a serial killer. Will she be good? Or is she bad? She is, after all, her mother's daughter."
I honestly can't remember a book making me laugh this much, best #bookexpo read so far, my sides hurt from how hard I've laughed. Broody McHottiepants may not be the hero we need, but he is the one we deserve.
I carried sooo many books home from #bookexpo and #bookcon , I have a major problem. And that problem is a lack of shelf space.
I had to carry all these home with me, 😂😭😂, I said I was only going to grab 5 books max!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! #bookexpo #bookcon
Found this sample at B&N, it was just enough to sell me on the book! Can't wait!
Guys - I am a HUGE cozy mystery fan, the genre is almost always filled with hilarious, heart warming, and charming reads with amazing female protagonists, but people rarely know what I'm talking about when I say "cozy mystery" I L❤️VE that Woman's World magazine just included one in their summer beach reads issue. These really are perfect beach reads! ?
This has been a great listen so far - took me 6 months in the library waiting list to get! All told from her own POV, and explains her history and rise to the highest court in America. Her husband is hilarious, and it is insane to think about how much she has seen changed since she went to law school. One downside is the original audio recordings taped at dinners can be hard to hear at times.
Tuesday Night Reads - a woman is trapped by flood waters with a man she is convinced could be the love of her life, but the flood took the stranger's name and some of her memories with them. But imagine her surprise when she finds him a year later, when the stranger ends up being the preacher in her best friend's wedding. Can't wait to dive into this one!
This book isn't written by Joan Rivers, and is written after her death - which is why I think it has more honesty to it. It doesn't hold back, it is honest and direct about her life. It goes over the lies Joan Rivers told herself and others, and the insane hardships she faced as one of the first female comics. When she was midlife, her husband killed himself and she found herself millions in debt, story goes over how she fought her way back up.
This girl was taken away with how amazing this book was! Two high school girls both go missing after a party, a few weeks later one of them returns - but the other is still missing. Is the girl who returned hiding something? Or is she a victim in all of this, who just can't seem to remember anything important about that night ... Woven into this is the story of the missing girl's sister who is studying to be a forensic scientist. SOO GOOD 😍🤓😍
This was an author letter in an ARC that a publishing house sent to me, so it was sent by the publisher and not the author. It didn't come with any other info about the book, and this author letter didn't really tell me anything about this book, or what inspired her to write it, etc. just quirkiness about her life.
I really, really, really hope this isn't some new plan to target millennial readers 😞
Oh, I so love Anjelica Huston, but this memoir is not her best. It's more a memoir about Jack Nicholson, & how she was so deeply in love with a man who didn't seem to want her as much as she wanted him. Which is heartbreaking. This book doesn't get to the heart of any matter or discuss her feelings too deeply, it is all very top-layer and not too revealing. I needed to know more though in order to be sold this story, so to me it was lacking.
I LOVE when an ARC arrives with a letter from the editor, it tells me what they loved about this book and what I can expect when I read it myself. Can't wait to tear into this beauty! That cover is to die for, the dress reminds me of the one Keira Knightley wore in Atonement (another classic read!)
Was this book custom written for me?!? A science-fiction-space-travel-super-virus-story is something from my dreams. Starting this ASAP! Thank you @BerkleyPub ! @CatLadyBibliophile , you would be on my Apocalypse Dream Team FYI, and in my just created book club for this. When the world ends, I'm heading for the library. Knowledge is power. #spacexstars
Guys, super torn on this one. The plot seemed so intriguing but I am 1/4 into this book and the plot hasn't been fully explained yet, or characters fully explained, and it makes for a rather confusing mess. Do I stop now and move on to another book in my insane TBR pile or keep going? Anyone read this, does it get better?
Jim Dale is the narrator, and he is amazing, but I do always secretly hope that a book written by a woman would have a female narrator. This is a paranormal tale of magic, mystery, and a competition with two competitors doomed to fight a battle neither are aware of. Very fun listen!
If you are in NYC, stop by the Highline (16th St entrance) and grab a FREE copy of The Handmaid's Tale!
Have you ever been in the EXACT right place at the EXACT right time, bumped into a new author, and snagged a signed copy of their upcoming book? 😍 Casey is a former swimmer with the Canadian Olympic team, and his debut promises to be a gritty detective book. He says he'll be signing copies at #BEA2017 on Thursday, so if you are attending this looks like a killer read!
One of those books that I'm sure will become part of school curriculums in the future.
#OneGoodThing about today was getting this adorable summer looking ARC in the mail. Thanks, @BerkleyPub !
Guys, it is @CatLadyBibliophile 's birthday today! She is one of my favorite Litsy people, and an amazing friend to share books with. If you can, PLEASE go and wish her an exciting HAPPY BIRTHDAY on her latest post! ❤️💜❤️
This was a book I really needed to hear, and it has made me really sit down and think about things. It is full of tough love advice, "don't be a dreamer, be a doer" and HILARIOUS pieces on her family, her life, and relaxing enough to say "Yes" to things you may not even realize you've been saying no to. I'll be practicing my superwoman poses today, and focusing on not making myself small for other people. Thank you, Shonda!
It's finally getting warm, so it must be time to cool down with some chilling summer thrillers.
This review is mainly just for the audiobook. This is a prime example of when authors should let professional readers be the narrators of their books. The author is a college professor, and she reads the book exactly like a professor doing a reading. It is flat, emotionless, and doesn't really draw you into the prose. The story is very emotional - I just kept disconnecting because she read like Professor Binns at Hogwarts.