Time is nearing our last week; moving boxes each day to the new house. Happy Reading and see yous again soon! 💕 I'll be back in March, with the new wifi and bookshelves!
Time is nearing our last week; moving boxes each day to the new house. Happy Reading and see yous again soon! 💕 I'll be back in March, with the new wifi and bookshelves!
#CringeWorthy This face! 😂 On a snowless Halloween season book, decked out for Christmas. Somebody make a Wanted poster for the Ghostbusters; empty this guy outta there! #ReadingResolutions @Jess7 👻🗝
This mini tale is a spooky great one, on exploring a haunted house. What seems a bit strange though, is the Christmas theme presentation, for a story described as taking place in the autumn. 👻😝 It seems to throw the imagination off, within the always good atmospheric Blackwood narratives, which in this one, really doesn't include snow. Other than that, it is a cool classic ghost story. 🕯
I'm excited for this little book, found at Chapters for my Christmas stocking gift. 👻 Algernon Blackwood should be right up there with the mega collection books of Poe and Lovecraft. Any pocket stories are a treasure!
An explanation for my absence. This is the room the books usually live in. It's already been replastered (by professionals, not by me) and this is mid first coat of paint. There's the same space again to do. The books are safe, but I've been short of time to read with this and work although the kindle means I'm not short of books!