#sexdrugsandrockandroll #titlesandtunes
Hubby is a big fan- so raiding his book shelf again and albums 😁
#sexdrugsandrockandroll #titlesandtunes
Hubby is a big fan- so raiding his book shelf again and albums 😁
Reasons to be #Cheerful Part III.
Ian Dury was an icon of the 70s.
#MayLovesClassics #disability
I was lucky to have seen ian dury live and his lyrics are classic of modern music and both poetic and comic
I took this paragraph from his biography which quotes his lyrics from Spasticus Autisticus - his angry tirade against the year of the disabled.
This book is due a reread.
#eyesoncover #maybookflowers
I was struggling for a while on this one but then noticed this on my book shelf. I loved his music back in the day and was lucky to see him in the 1990's. A great cover photo and amazing eyes.
#photoadaynov16 #disabilities
Remember when they played Spasticus Autisticus at the opening ceremony of the London Paralympics? God that was great.