Super enjoyable and a book within a book which I really kinda love
Super enjoyable and a book within a book which I really kinda love
1. RL Book group brunch tomorrow! Otherwise, nothing much planned...
2. My week, my year, my 30s? (& yes, I own the tagged book ☺️)
3. Tough one.. Eagle River, WI is probably right up there, though...
4. No pets, but I'd rather become good friends with a sloth
5. Idk, 1000-something? (Living in the sunny, sunny mountain desert sometimes gets to me 😁). I think it was actually mid-90s...
#FriYayIntro @jesshowbooks
I know it‘s been said to not judge a book by its cover but come on, some of them have really nice covers - like this one.
#catchingup on #septembowie #day23 - #timewillcrawl
Gonna put off starting any larger books until next year. This will probably be among the first wave.
#awesomeautumnbooks #day4 - #manicmonday
Feel like I should post this book every time I'm late for a daily theme.
This Labor Day felt especially manic, considering work (service industry, what are you gonna do?), cleaning out the garage, grilling burgers, the Tennessee/Georgia game, and an argument over preserved dinosaur tissue.
I should pick up that mess but I'm going to start this book instead. This one looks fun.
He looked from my mother's face to mine, deeply pleased with himself, then let out a belch and retreated downstairs, like a squid escaping in a cloud of ink.
Endlich Lesezeit 😊
This is a good read but it's a bit big and could be a little confusing- best read when you've regular reading time and not too many distractions!
Full review here-> http://www.thebookeaters.co.uk/the-lost-time-accidents-by-john-wray/
Bringing these home today from our happy place, local indie bookstore The Bookmark at San Patricio Plaza (Guaynabo, PR)
"This morning, at 08:47 EST, I woke up to find myself excused from time." I defy you to not read on!
A zany, ingenious work toying with the line between science and science fiction. This covers adventure, science, comedy, and at times, terror.
When the last page is turned, the story feels so strange and unique that it leaves the reader with that "What the hell did I just read?" sense.
"writing as if let in on the secret history of the world..."
When the man Marlon James gives a blurb like that, you know it's legit.
I'm over halfway through this, loving and devouring it.
Fall for a single girl and you're competing with every other man on earth. Fall for a married woman, on the other hand, and you're only competing with one.
Utterly demented tale of a family's obsession with time travel and their descendent's attempt to document their madness. Or is it madness?
Reading The Lost Time Accidents and it's pretty weird. I'd say really weird but The Weaver Fish had wrecked the curve on bonkers scifi.
I'm excited that 400 more pages lie ahead, the first 100 have been a blast!
Sonja was at the zenith of what Kaspar would later call her "Athena phase," a period during which nothing could disturb her equanimity.