Colorful, weird, wild, weirdly wild in all the right ways. I never read the original but didn't feel lost despite how out there this story is. I read a lot of graphic novels & manga this week & this is easily one of my favorites. LOVED!
Colorful, weird, wild, weirdly wild in all the right ways. I never read the original but didn't feel lost despite how out there this story is. I read a lot of graphic novels & manga this week & this is easily one of my favorites. LOVED!
Zombie episode of Doom Patrol. I think I have a crush on Cliff. I‘m also trying to get in some readathon hours, but it‘s harder on the weekend with everyone interrupting me. Maybe once they are asleep. This is why I‘m always tired. lol
#scarathlon #TeamHendrix
Hubby and I are watching Doom Patrol. I love this show! There are lots of ghosts and supernatural things this episode. I like it when I can fit some family time into #scarathlon
I'm a fan of earlier tales of Doom Patrol, but I also really enjoyed this revamp by Gerard Way. It has all the fun weirdness you expect from this zany team. The artwork and coloring was excellent too.
This is a good book!
I felt the need to rate it middling, only because I vastly prefer Grant Morrison‘s 1989 revamp (this bizarre team debuted in 1964). Strange, often meta, and constantly surprising at every page; DOOM PATROL is a great time, regardless of which incarnation you prefer.
I'm not sure I care for the Way version of the Doom Patrol. Yes it was as weird as I expect a story involving them, but it seemed a more traditional DC team book. 3 💥💥💥 out of 5
I requested this graphic novel from NetGalley because I'm a big fan of Gerard Way's band. After reading this, I think I'll stick with his music. The artwork was pretty good, but the story itself was just okay. It almost seemed like there were too many little storylines trying to compete to be the main plot, but instead everything just felt underdeveloped. I might check out the next volume, but I won't go out of my way to find it.
I'm only halfway through this zany adventure and let me tell you how FUN it is! If you couldn't already tell from this bright pink explosion, that is. #DoomPatrol #GerardWay #NickDerrington #TamraBonvillain #graphicnovels #comicbooks
Gerard Way and Neil Gaiman are probably the only people that can get me to read DC and enjoy it. The set of characters and story itself were very interesting and different, almost reminiscent of The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, but vastly different at the same time. I love that Gee has been writing more and look forward to more installations in this story.
This comic is AMAZING!!! It is so weird, so quirky, so creative. At first, I wasn't sure if I was going to like it because it seemed so abstruse. Things really started to kick of when the team started coming together to go on insane adventures. If you enjoy weird, this book has plenty of it.
🍔🍔🍔🍔⅟🍔 (4.5/5)
New review up on my blog! Link in bio.
I'm new to the world of Doom Patrol, but I really enjoyed Gerard's take on it. There isn't much I can say because this is one of those stories that you really need to just... experience.
#comics #comicbooks #dccomics