A good true crime book about the armed robbery of a bank by some Army Rangers. Written by the brother of the driver of the getaway car, which adds a dimension to this story.
And Hilly. #catsoflitsy
A good true crime book about the armed robbery of a bank by some Army Rangers. Written by the brother of the driver of the getaway car, which adds a dimension to this story.
And Hilly. #catsoflitsy
The beginning was jaw dropping but it slowed down a bit towards the end! Still a solid 4 Stars!
1. Inclusive
2. Interesting!
3. Informative
@Quasifesto #3to1 📚 ⭐️
I listened to this one on audio and had high expectations, but in the end I just couldn't stand to hear anything more about these Army Rangers turned bank robbers. 🙁
#NonfictionNovember continues with Ranger Games: A Story of Soldiers, Family and an Inexplicable Crime. I have to admit, I went into this one with a completely inaccurate general idea of what the book was about. I‘m not sure how, or why, I misunderstood the premise of the story (I blame #Doubleday for the marketing and cover design), but I think it threw me completely off and, eventually, ruined the book for me.
Lots to unpack in this story about family and military and crime
This was good - quite a compelling and well-told story. I had a few qualms about tone/judginess/ethics, and I loved it less when the focus strayed too far from the author's family - lots of rich side stories, but they slowed narrative momentum a bit. If it hadn't been a family memoir and a military psychosocial analysis and a true crime investigation all at once, it could have had more depth in any one of those areas. But still a worthwhile read.
That is my weekend reading sorted out thanks to #Goodreads. This book comes out from Doubleday next month, and is a look at how a seemingly all around good boy ended up robbing a bank. The back of the ARC promise a "crime story like no other". I am totally down for this!
Third Goodreads win delivery of the day! This true crime story sounds fascinating. Thank you, @penguinrandomhouse .