Jacques Prévert‘s Déjeuner du Matin, with translation on the right, (but better in French, as most poetry is better in its original language!) was the first poem I thought of for #drink. #poetrymatters @LazyDays
Jacques Prévert‘s Déjeuner du Matin, with translation on the right, (but better in French, as most poetry is better in its original language!) was the first poem I thought of for #drink. #poetrymatters @LazyDays
I memorized my first Prévert when I was 13. He spoke to me then, and his work still speaks to me. I think there are English translations but he‘s so accessible you only need a little French to read his words in the original language. #adventrecommends @emilyrose_x
Jacques Prévert is one of my favorite poets. I just love his work. His poems are simple, some are funny, some are touching. He is, I think, the most read French poet of post World War II. I'm not sure the translation of this book is the best...
#poetry #seasonsreadings2016 I don't read a lot of poetry anymore, but I bought this from the bouquinistes along the Seine so it comes down off the shelf every once in awhile when I feel nostalgic for my years in France.
@folio_livres Paroles p. 204 Paris at night #JacquesPrévert