I just enjoy reading so much in coffee shops #kobo #ebook #ADarkerShadeofMagic
#currentlyreading I am almost done with Empire of Storms. I've been in a reading rut these past two months. It was hard getting into it at first but I couldn't resist and devoured the second half in one day
#Bloomsbury #ThroneofGlass #book #booknerd #bookporn #booknerdigans #bookish #readerlife #bookcover #booklover #bookworm #bookaholic #bookfaerie #thebookishfaerie #bookfaery #bookstagram #aelingalanthynius #SarahJMaas #EOS #currentlyreading
The smell of an old book has more stories to tell than the one in its fold. •
• "All I know is that the hours are long... and constrain us to beguile them with proceedings which ... may at first sight seem reasonable, until they become a habit." — Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot @faberbooks
#livrophile #bookish #bookporn #quote #samuelbeckett #theater #existentialism #samuelbeckettquote #Faberbooks #papercoverededitions #oldbook
Au bout d'une semaine et plusieurs livres abandonnés, j'ai finalement trouvé le bon livre. Je pense pouvoir reprendre mon rythme normal et me concentrer à nouveau.
@lillycharleston Petits dérapages et autres imprévus @MilyBlack •
#Diva #livreaddict #livre #bibliophile #livrophile #booknerd #bookporn #bookish #readerlife #bookcover #bookworm #bookaholic #bookfaerie #thebookishfaerie #bookfaery #bookstagram #accrolivresque #accroauxlivres
"It's no trick loving somebody at their best. Love is loving them at their worst." — Henry
The Real Thing #TomStoppard
Time took its toll on my 1997 edition of The Collected Works of Oscar Wild @WordsworthEd
#OscarWilde #wordswortheditions
#livreaddict #bibliophile #book #livrophile #bookish #booknerd #bookporn #booknerdigans #readerlife #booklover #bookworm #bookaholic #bookfaerie #bookcover #thebookishfaerie #bookfaery #accroaulivres #VendrediLecture
J'ai dévoré avec mon petit déj et une grande partie du #journaldunvampireenpyjama de Mathias Malzieu •
#livreaddict #livre #bibliophile #book #livrophile #booknerd #bookporn #booknerdigans #booklover #bookworm #bookaholic #bookfaerie #ipadmini #thebookishfaerie #bookfaery #bookstagram #getindie #albinmichel #café #accroaulivres #VendrediLecture
you've touched me
without even
touching me
Weekend vibes
The Assassin's Blade #throneofglassseries @therealsjmaas
#amreading #booksandcoffee #currentlyreading
«C'est une époque où tout le monde gueule de solitude et où personne ne sait qu'il gueule d'amour. Quand on gueule de solitude, on gueule toujours d'amour.» Clair de femme #romaingary
I am trying not to bail. I have read over 60% but i've been finding it hard not to give up. So far the main character have yet to redeem herself, she's been annoying as hell.
@folio_livres Paroles p. 204 Paris at night #JacquesPrévert