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The Teahouse Fire
The Teahouse Fire | Ellis Avery
7 posts | 8 read | 12 to read
Relocated from 1866 New York to Japan by an abusive missionary guardian, young Aurelia Bernard befriends the daughter of Kyoto's most influential tea master, who accepts her into the family in spite of disapproving conventions and instructs her about the fading tradition of the tea ceremony. A first novel. Reprint.
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The Teahouse Fire | Ellis Avery
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A soft pick because there were a few points that I found moved really slowly and I found that I needed really long chunks of time, it wasn‘t the kind of book I could listen to just 20-30 minutes at a time. But aside from that, i enjoyed immersing myself into the story, I found it very interesting and I wanted to know how things turned out in the end - which I ended up very satisfied with.


Ruthiella Neat puzzle! 🧩 1y
janeycanuck @Ruthiella it was pretty fun to do but so weird to not be able to do the edges first! 1y
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The Teahouse Fire | Ellis Avery
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We had a tonne of fun with our Blind Date book exchange at our December #GirlyBookClub a few weeks ago. The instructions? Bring a wrapped book and add a short, spoiler-free hint. Then, we did a white elephant, keeping the books wrapped until the very end. So much fun with some great titles unwrapped at the end. I came home with the tagged book - the clue was “East meets West and a confusing cup of tea.” So intriguing!!

The Teahouse Fire | Ellis Avery
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Thank you so much @Savedbygrace Lillianna! Can't wait to read both of them! The notebook is gonna come in handy too! 🤗❤️ Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Thanks @JamieLou for organizing this #thankfulforbooksSwap #thankfulforbooks #litsyswap!

JamieLou Hooray! Glad you had a good swap 🦃😀 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz @JamieLou thank you and thanks for organizing! Happy Thanksgiving! 6y
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The Teahouse Fire | Ellis Avery
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Yesterday was International Tea Day but for me it was Star Wars Day. I celebrated today with an iced chocolate chipotle chai. #tea #Quotsy #QuotsyDec17 #LitsyQuoteChallenge

TricksyTails This sounds magical. Where can I get one? 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @TricksyTails I was at the Steeping Room in Austin. 7y
TricksyTails Quick! Teleport me! 7y
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Godmotherx5 Was it good? How can I make that? 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @TricksyTails If I had that power I absolutely would. Unfortunately, my only super power allows me to read #dinoporn. @Godmotherx5 I‘m not sure. I guess maybe make a chai that you like and add in chipotle powder and cocoa (if chipotle powder exists)??? 7y
TricksyTails 😂😂😂 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @Godmotherx5 The Steeping Room might sell it too but I don‘t know if it‘s available online. I found the other one courtesy of Google. 7y
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The Teahouse Fire | Ellis Avery
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Yesterday was International Tea Day but for me it was also Star Wars Day for me so I missed celebrating. But I made up for it today with an iced chocolate chipotle chai. #tea #Quotsy #LitsyQuoteChallenge #QuotsyDec17

TK-421 oh, that sounds yummy! 7y
jpmcwisemorgan @TK-421 It was so good! 7y
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