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Enter, Night
Enter, Night | Michael Rowe
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Welcome to Parr's Landing, Population 1,528 . . . and shrinking. The year is 1972. Widowed Christina Parr, her daughter Morgan, and her brother-in-law Jeremy have returned to the remote northern Ontario mining town of Parrs Landing, the place from which Christina fled before Morgan was born, seeking refuge. Dr. Billy Lightning has also returned in search of answers to the mystery of his fathers brutal murder. All will find some part of what they seekand more. Built on the site of a decimated 17th-century Jesuit mission to the Ojibwa, Parrs Landing is a town with secrets of its own buried in the caves around Bradley Lake. A three-hundred-year-old horror slumbers there, calling out to the insane and the murderous for centuries, begging for releasean invitation that has finally been answered. One man is following that voice, cutting a swath of violence across the country, bent on a terrible resurrection of the ancient evil, plunging the town and all its people into an endless night.
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Enter, Night | Michael Rowe
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Both are TBR. Here's the description of Amatka from an online article:
"The eponymous city...is one of four colonies, a wintry, agricultural commune that grows fungus for sustenance. No one talks about the fifth colony, the one that was lost so long ago.."
I was immediately intrigued by Rowe's "Enter, Night" when I heard it described as a Canadian 'Salems Lot. #ghosttown #MOvember @Cinfhen

Cinfhen Enter night immediately made me think of Metallica 🎶Exit, light
Enter, night
Take my hand
We're off to never-never land
(edited) 5y
vivastory @Cinfhen Thanks for the 👂🐛 😂 5y
Cinfhen Ha!! I love Enter Sandman 🎵🤘🏼 5y
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Scochrane26 Made me think of that, too @Cinfhen 5y
Cinfhen I‘m now humming over and over “we‘re off to never-never land” @Scochrane26 #NoApologies 5y
Reggie I liked Enter Night. 5y
vivastory @Reggie I noticed your review when I was looking through the posts after I posted this. I'm hoping to get to it soon. I found out about it through one of Adam Casares' book recommendation videos on YouTube. 5y
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Enter, Night | Michael Rowe

It was a slow burn and didn't pick up until more than half way through. The story line was dragging at points.

Enter, Night | Michael Rowe
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Started this and I'm really impressed with how Canadian this book is turning out. I'm from Toronto and it's kinda cool to see a book mention it.

Enter, Night | Michael Rowe
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This was a lot of things. A boy being taken in the middle of the night away to a psych facility to take the gay away. A man who carries a bitterness from the Canadian government snatching him away from his family in the name of saving him from being Indian. A boy and his love for his dog. A widow and her ice queen of a mother in law. And, oh yeah, this was a vampire book. It started great but fizzled towards good in the end. Still a pick.

minkyb It is almost too much for me to contemplate. 6y
Reggie @minkyb yeah, lol, he really packed it in there. Some of the scenes in here almost have a touch of that Dynasty drama feel to them. Which is funny because the name of the town is Parr‘s Lansing. ( Knots Landing) and then when you think the novel is done, attached in the back is a novella origin story telling how in the 1600‘s the Jesuits brought the demon with them when they came to New France. It‘s a lot. 6y
minkyb Wow. And just to demonstrate my shallowness I am sure I have seen every episode of Knots Landing, Dallas, Falcon Crest, and Dynasty! 6y
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CouronneDhiver Yep, that‘s a lot going on! 6y
Reggie @minkyb The reason I even thought of Dynasty was cause there was a scene in here between 2 guys and it reminded me of that time.... Blake Carrington has 3 sons, 1 was gay. He had just come back and started a relationship with the ex wife of the guy who was Crystal‘s first husband. Anyway, the sons jilted gay lover confronts her and then tells her he could never hate her because she was so nice. But then Blake comes in and finds out who he is. 6y
Reggie Fights him and causes him to die after hitting his head on the fireplace brick. There is a huge trial where Blake is proved innocent ( boo 👎) and that‘s at the end of season 1 where we get our first glimpse of Alexis. So you‘re not alone @minkyb. Lol 6y
minkyb 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Centique Amazing Dynasty memory Reggie! I only vaguely remember glitz and shoulder pads 😂 I‘m impressed! 6y
Reggie @Centique I may have watched an episode or two. Lol 6y
Cathythoughts There is a lot going on in this book ! Not for the faint hearted I‘d say. 👍🏻❤️ 6y
ValerieAndBooks I remember Dynasty so well and that story line! I think I remember Blake was more accepting of Steven later on though. 6y
Reggie @ValerieAndBooks nerdy musician confession time: (I‘m sure your musical kids have done this, too) I used to play trumpet and you listen to a theme song long enough and you learn how to play it. I played trumpet so there you go. I used to play the Dynasty theme song on trumpet. Lol 6y
ValerieAndBooks Ha! I know my boys have had to learn theme songs/soundtracks for school concerts; will have to ask them if they taught themselves anything “just because” 😊 6y
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Enter, Night | Michael Rowe
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I‘m really enjoying this book so far. This was an intro to this chapter where we meet 12yo Finn and his dog Sadie. This chapter ends up being super scary. I was clenching the whole time. P.s. the author is Canadian and Canada is very much a character in here. He mentions some of his characters taking a pic in front of a huge goose statue in a small town. Turns out, there is a goose statue in a small town named Wawa. Any Canadian Littens ever been?

CouronneDhiver Yes! I‘ve been there ... stayed in a pretty little cabin in the woods :) It‘s about 11 hours drive away from where I live now. 6y
Reggie @CouronneDhiver That‘s awesome!!Even though this is a vampire/wendigo book, it makes me want to visit Canada, lol. 6y
GatheringBooks oooh that cover! 6y
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Read66 I drove past that statue on my way to Thunder Bay! 6y
minkyb This will be the perfect gift for my nephew‘s 31st birthday next week. Thank you! 6y
Reggie @Read66 that‘s cool!!! 6y
Reggie @minkyb yay, glad I could be of service!!!!! 6y
minkyb Me too @Reggie I love gifting him things he would never expect from me. Also, he is not “a reader” but this is right up his alley! 6y
Lindy @Read66 I saw the goose in Wawa when I was on a 5-day road trip from Toronto to Edmonton. Stayed in Thunder Bay on the 2nd night. 6y
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Enter, Night | Michael Rowe

Absolutely amazing vampire book