Started off well, but the dialogue was just so boring. I felt it didn't advance the story. Just a lot of blah, blah, blah. The characters felt flat. I gave up 25% of the way in and just read the ending.
Started off well, but the dialogue was just so boring. I felt it didn't advance the story. Just a lot of blah, blah, blah. The characters felt flat. I gave up 25% of the way in and just read the ending.
Honestly, I was so bored. 1/2 way through and it seemed like nothing happened. Had to put it down.
Once I start flipping ahead I put the book down. Not interested in slow burns.
This book was rather good. There were a few twists I didn't see coming and I did enjoy the supernatural elements. Would recommend.
So boring. I literally read once sentence per page and skipped through to page 78 and I still understood what happened. I couldn't be bothered to read the rest. What a shame.
I couldn't get into the story. Maybe I'll come back to this, but slow burns aren't my thing.
I read the first hundred pages, skipped 75% of the book and read the last hundred pages and still got what happened. Honestly, it didn't need to be so long, what a filler of a book. On to the next.
Totally didn't expect the story to go the way it did. It centres around a cult who worships a god that resurrects itself through their sacrifices.
Just started this and so far I'm interested. I totally am curious about this book so far.
Got 37% through and was so bored. The magic elements were fun, but the story just seemed to drag on.
Read 40 pages and out it down. I don't know, it wasn't interesting, I was a little confused by the setting at first, it just didn't hold my attention.
I wanted to like this book, but I was honestly bored to tears. Just slow as heck.
Wow, what a story! I felt like I entered a world that was so unique I had never read anything like this. I would totally recommend this story if you're looking for a fantasy action adventure story with magic!
Fantastic! I loved it and there was only one thing I wished would happen, a certain food dish lady would have come back, but other than that I truly enjoyed the book and the series. Strong characters, great pacing, and overall fun read.
What a ride! Once it gets going it's a rollercoaster of a ride. Highly recommend for horror fans.
Horrorstor was relatable. I really felt bad for that one character who felt she was doing nothing and going nowhere. We've all been there.
So far, this book is fantastic! I absolutely love the story and the characters. I can't wait to see how it ends.
Who wants a signed copy of A Raven's Touch or A Raven's Revenge? Both paperbacks for TWENTY dollars USD + shipping (~TWENTY USD). Ebooks are free with paperback purchase.
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I totally enjoyed the story, it was a fast paced post apocalyptic story where babies are "advanced" from the walled off people into the city because the inside residents are suffering from hemophilia and need to breed it out. Sounds crazy and it was. I'd recommend it.
I'm 64% through this book and it's fantastic! I absolutely love the writing, the characters, the whole story line, it's so well done. Do yourself a favour and start this series.
Honestly, not worth my time. I DNF'd this book 40% through. The main character is one dimensional, doesn't seem to care about the kid she has with her and acts so carelessly. Waste of time.
It was a slow burn and didn't pick up until more than half way through. The story line was dragging at points.
The birth scene was way too much for me. The story lost me after this and I honestly didn't give a crap about the main character.
It's time to begin the journey that leads to Hell.
New cover!! PLUS the sequel, A Raven's Revenge drops October 4th. A Raven's Touch is currently on sale for $0.99 and is available in paperback for the first time ever! Pick up both and find out what happened when a half angel, witch, vampire, elf take on a demon.
I'm more than half way through and I can't put this book down. I keep wanting to finish it.
Started this and I'm really impressed with how Canadian this book is turning out. I'm from Toronto and it's kinda cool to see a book mention it.
It was a slow build up and then it was a little fast, then slow and then hella fast. So, depends what mood you're in and if you like that sort of thing.
Who likes to party book style? I'm doing a takeover Aug. 13 @ 7pm ET. There will be prizes and games!
This is a collection of short stories and I only really liked the second one.
I found the pace slow, the plot predictable, and in the end a waste of time. I skipped many pages and it didn't even matter.
Author: Philip K. Dick
Year: 1981
"It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane."
I'm currently working on my own side project novel that's a dystopian time travel story. I'm 10 chapters in so far.
If you like post apocalyptic stories with elements of horror and paranormal this is a great story! I'm only 33% in and I'm hooked.
This book terrified me. I kept thinking about it even when I wasn't reading it. After the first few chapters I thought I was going to put it down, but I couldn't stop!
Just started this and I'm not sure how I feel about it. The swearing is a little bit surprising. I'm only 10% into the book and I'm not sure if I want to continue.
Do you think it's worth it?
I finally finished this book and I'm so in love with the characters. The pace is great, the writing is well done, and I'd flip if this became a show. All of the characters are completely relatable and complex in their own way. Loved it.
The author manages to weave reality and fantasy so well. If you're interested in fae stories I'd highly recommend it. Do be warned there's scenes of violence and drug usage plus mental health issues.
This book was a slow burn and then it became pretty nuts. I didn't expect a paranormal element. I also didn't see the LGBTQ aspect either. I'd recommend it.
I absolutely loved this book. Yes, there was swearing and violence, but nothing too graphic. If you liked Stephen King's The Stand you'll like this.
I've just started reading Why We're Catholic and I'm already intrigued.
I'm working on another book while I wait for my editor to complete my sequel to A Raven's Touch. This time I'm writing something completely different, it's a post apocalyptic time travel story.
While I'm waiting for edits on my current WIP, I decided to work on a side project. Too many ideas! #writerproblems 😉
I absolutely LOVE this book. Philp K Dick is a genius and I didn't see the ending coming at all. The movie is also spot on, I'd highly recommend it.
Halfway through reading this book and so far I can't wait to find out how it ends.