It didn‘t hit the same way it did in P4. I think I can understand a bit better why I enjoyed this book as a child. It‘s written by a school counselor and that‘s my current profession.
It didn‘t hit the same way it did in P4. I think I can understand a bit better why I enjoyed this book as a child. It‘s written by a school counselor and that‘s my current profession.
I found a book I read in P4 at one of my schools. I am going to read it. Reminiscing through reading
#savvysettings #fair
I looved this book and this was the cover of the book that I owned as a kid. Sad my copy didn‘t survive childhood.
I remember reading and rereading this one as a kid. I felt it captured well what it was like for me in school. I wonder how well it would hold up today?
From 1-14-18: #scenesfromabook School! This was one of my faves growing up and both my 23 and 11 year old daughters have read my copy! There are newer covers but this is the one I have. 💖📖 @JoeStalksBeck
Does anyone remember reading this book when they were growing up? I'm reading it to my ten year old and enjoying it although I think now as an adult I would have a few issues with Elsie's mother.
How could I not add this well-worn book today? ? I tried to get my daughter to read it last year when she was in fifth grade and she said "old books are so boring"! Hahaha! I can't wait to remind her of that in years to come when she gushes after reading something like The Count of Monte Cristo! #numberintitle